Questions tagged [epicorerp]

Epicor ERP is a large highly customizable Enterprise Resource Planning software package written by Epicor Software Corporation. Please note the version when asking questions.

Epicor ERP Version 9 was written using Progress ABL for the server with a C# .Net smart client and either a progress or SQL Server database. Epicor ERP Version 10 is completely written in and only supports SQL Server databases.

Epicor ERP

Due to significant differences in architecture it is helpful to state the version you are using. This can be found in the client under Help > About i.e.

  • E10.1.400.20
  • E10.0.700.4
  • E9.05.702a


92 questions
3 answers

Epicor 10 - Changing the plant for the current session

We are starting to use Epicor 10 and we are wanting to leverage the DLLs/Services to talk to Epicor. That way we can add/update info from a custom app. So far things are going fine but we ran into an issue when we wanted to, lets say, add a job for…
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2 answers

Epicor API Documentation

Just wondering if anyone knows of any sort of comprehensive documentation for the C#/VB API for Epicor 9. Also, a reference the ABL (Progress OpenEdge) language would be helpful as well. Thanks in advance
Justin Kloth
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1 answer

Passing token in header to Prophet 21 API

This is the first time I am working with Prophet 21 by Epicor. I am having a hard time figuring out how to pass the token in the HTTP request header after I authenticate with a user…
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2 answers

Epicor 10 How to store data between BPM pre and post processing?

I'm tying to migrate an Epicor V9 system with Progress/ABL code to v10 with C# code. I've got most of it done but I need a way to keep data between a BPMs pre and post processing. The comments in the original ABL code state: Description : This…
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1 answer

What configuration is required to use Linqpad with Epicor 10?

I'm getting the error: Schema specified is not valid. Errors: (0,0) : error 0175: The specified store provider cannot be found in the configuration, or is not valid. So far I've debugged it down to looking for a provider string called 'EpiProvider'…
Stephen Price
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0 answers

Can Epicor Prelude be integrated with a java based web application?

One of our US-based customer in the business of distribution of HVAC products wants to use Epicor Prelude product. We want to know whether Prelude can be integrated with a java based web application and if it supports -Web services, Messaging…
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1 answer

How to bring the SSRS reports developed to EPICOR?

I'm new to EPICOR. I have developed a report in SQL Server Report Builder. How can I view this report in my EPICOR account? How does it link? Thanks In advance Niki
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1 answer

Post Journal Entries to EPICOR 905 using C#

I'm trying to connect to Epicor905 and post a journal entry programmatically. I found the below code which connects to Epicor. However, I am unable to locate any info on accessing the GL Journal Entry module. I'm fairly new to C# and just want…
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Displaying data for radio button in epicor ERP10

I want to display data. I used AfterFieldChange method to display the data but it turns out the radio button doesn't change. I already insert the data customer table, the BAQ (Business Activity Query) also work just that the screen form doesn't…
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1 answer

How do I use a type with the same name of another type in another referenced assembly?

I have the absurd situation (don't blame me, it is third party software) where I need to have two references (Erp.Contracts.BO.Quote and Erp.Contracts.BO.SalesOrder), but the type Erp.Tablesets.QuoteQtyRow is defined in both assemblies! How do I use…
Price Jones
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0 answers

Develop Android Program to communicate with Epicor 9 Web Services

this... I am trying to get data request from epicor webservice using Android(in Eclipse) app and using KSOAP2 library. This is my codes: public class MainActivity extends Activity { //.........PART CONNECTION LINK............ private…
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0 answers

Where does the ATP data comes from on Epicor?

I have to get the PO numbers from the Available-to-Promise data, but I have no idea about where the data comes from. I know the ATP is calculated based on POs, Orders, etc... but I don't know where to see the query, how the tables are joing and more…
3 answers

Epicor ERP can you call an Epicor Function within a Customization

Epicor ERP 10.2.500 has been recently released with the addition of Epicor Functions. They can be called from within Method and Data Directives. Do anybody has been able to do so with a Form Customization within Epicor?
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1 answer

How to print text or an image in the header based on a control break

I am customizing our MICR check. We often print hundreds of checks. Some of the checks pay many remit-to's and so the remit lines don't all fit on one page so there is overflow. We need to print VOID over the check itself, which is in the HEADER…
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1 answer

I would like to run a query to produce a price list for each customer and product taking into consideration promotional prices and discount prices?

We have a number of different promotions (fixed prices and discount %) for each customer. I want to be able to produce an extract so that we can work out what the price the customer would pay if they were entering a Sales Order direct within…
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