Questions tagged [epiceditor]

An Embeddable JavaScript Markdown Editor

EpicEditor is an embeddable JavaScript Markdown editor with split fullscreen editing, live previewing, automatic draft saving, offline support, and more. For developers, it offers a robust API, can be easily themed, and allows you to swap out the bundled Markdown parser with anything you throw at it.

22 questions
3 answers

Set charset meta tag with JavaScript

There's a bug I'm trying to track down here: Based on all the information it seems like it's because the browser is defaulting to the user's native charset (in this case,…
Oscar Godson
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0 answers

how to append text in epiceditor

I'm trying to make some helper buttons similar to stackoverflow markdown editor in epiceditor I tried this method but this actually overrides the actual file and not append to it this is an example for bold button $('.icon-bold').click(function(){ …
2 answers

Sync value from textarea in EpicEditor after page loaded

I am using EpicEditor in one my project. So as per the doc, I have added textarea property to my textarea id, so when page load first time all content from textarea is showing in the EpicEditor. Works great!!! PROBLEM: I am getting real-time…
Deepak Biswal
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1 answer

Resize EpicEditor based on the content put within it

I'm using epiceditor within my site, and I am populating it with markdown embedded on the page by the server. Currently when epiceditor displays, it has a very small default height, with scroll bars to handle viewing the entire content. I can…
Mike McFarland
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EpicEditor Live Preview Rails

I'm trying to use EpicEditor in a rails project to allow users to view a live preview with markdown of wikis that they edit. So far I have been successful in getting EpicEditor to load and appear on my wikis edit page but have not had any success…
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1 answer

should the app save the html content or markdown content into database?

I am now building a simple application, which includes editing the content such as blog. I have a few options such as tinymc, a good html editor, which I planned to use it. but then I find something about markdown, which is easy to use and popular…
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3 answers

EpicEditor text showing as   instead of space

Not sure if this is an actual problem per se but I'm using Epic Editor to input and save markdown in my GAE application (webpy with mako as the templating engine). I've got a hidden input element in the form which gets populated by the EpicEditor's…
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0 answers

How do I not lose position of cursor on paste with javascript

I have an editor which is a contenteditable and I'm trying to figure out how to get pasting to work correctly. I tried the simple: self.editorIframeDocument.addEventListener('paste', function () { setTimeout(function () { _setText(self.editor,…
Oscar Godson
  • 28,084
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1 answer

Multiple epiceditors on one page

In my project I have two forms for two locales, so I have two EpicEditors on one page. However, it does not work well. _form.html.erb
<%= f.globalize_fields_for :ru do |g| %>
2 answers

Epic editor can't access my textarea rails

I'm trying to use epic editor in my rails application, but the problem is it can't see my text area although I specified its id Here's configuration