Questions tagged [eot]

Embedded OpenType (EOT) fonts are a compact form of OpenType fonts designed by Microsoft for use as embedded fonts on web pages.

47 questions
6 answers

Correct Apache AddType directives for font MIME types

I’m using @font-face for embedded fonts (thanks Paul Irish). In trying to fix Chrome’s warning about wrong MIME type for woff fonts, I’ve discovered a mass of conflicting suggestions. Everyone seems to agree that .eot fonts (for IE 6-8?) should be…
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3 answers

How do you view EOT webfont files?

With so many people using EOT files for webfonts (to support IE8) I can't believe I am unable to find a single application that supports viewing them. Hopefully I'm missing something obvious but when I Google "eot file viewer" I find nothing but a…
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MIME Types for woff, ttf, svg, and eot 404ing despite being setup in IIS

I am trying to get a font to render within a file and it is giving me the usual error of Resource interpreted as Font but transferred with MIME type text/html: But the HTML file on show is our 404.aspx file, I tried the usual of installing the…
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Difference between EOT lite und EOT compressed

What’s the difference between EOT lite and EOT compressed? It says that EOT files have a domain binding built in, but for example I can convert my fonts to EOTs with the FontSquirrel converter where I cannot enter any URL where the files should be…
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Why does IE7 require EOT fonts to include lowercase glyphs when we use text-transform: uppercase?

This week we stumbled upon a rather odd bug in IE7 (surprise, surprise) when embedding a EOT font file using the @font-face construct. To save on bandwidth, we often edit out sets of characters from a font that we know will not be used on a site. In…
1 answer

@font-face ligatures missing

I am using an embedded typeface using the following code: @font-face {font-family: 'PFDinTextPro-Regular';src: url('../webfonts/15B214_0.eot');src: url('../webfonts/15B214_0.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),url('../webfonts/15B214_0.woff')…
Adrian Garner
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Font Awesome being blocked for IE9 users on customer site

I have deployed an MVC4 application that is hosted on Windows Azure that uses Font Awesome for several of the icons. A customer has reported that these are not displaying for them on IE9 although I have checked this from the website on our computers…
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Why isn't font-squirrel @font-face generator working in IE8?

BACKGROUND: I've directly downloaded a package from font-squirrel. I've done zero manipulation to this @font-face package. Additionally, the package has worked on every modern browser. CODE: I've uploaded the code to my server:…
Armeen Harwood
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2 answers

Can't figure out how to send ^D (EOT) signal to mailx in bash script

I'm writing a bash script to send me an email automatically. Mailx requires an EOT or ^D signal to know the message body is over and it can send. I don't want to hit ^D on the keyboard when I run script which is what it does now. Here is my code: #!…
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1 answer

Are .eot fonts supported via @font-face datauri on IE8?

Are .eot fonts supported via @font-face datauri on IE8? Are datauris on IE8 supported only for images? I know about the 32KB limitation. My base64 representation of the .eot font does not exceed this limit. My css declaration goes something like…
Bobby Bruckovnic
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Embedded fonts versus an external resource

I have been tackling the problems of Webfonts across various browsers, and have been following the recommendations of FontSpring that seems to be the latest recommended solution. However, as I am using a CDN and serving up my CSS files from a…
Matthew O'Riordan
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ie7: doesnt load eot fontface

as i looked into the network tab of ie9 (in ie7 mode) then i saw that there were no eot files loaded but in ie8 and ie9 how can i solve this problem? i am using windows 7 and ie9 in ie7 mode in ie6 and ie8 they font loads but not ie7 i used the css…
1 answer

Using .eot embedded Font with Net Framework WebBrowser control

My application should display html page in Net Framework WebBrowser control.One of requirements is that page should be displayed with custom font.The only way of doing it is to use .eot embedded font. I have prepared the font file and page is…
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2 answers

CSS Custom Font in IE changes on refresh

I have got a custom font that i am using in CSS, converted in to EOT, WOFF and TTF to work in all browsers It works perfectly except in, yes you guessed it, IE. It does work but in my IE8 when i refresh the font seems to change in height which…
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1 answer

font-face runs in IE but not in firefox - formats of fonts

I downloaded a free font in two kings of regular and bold. and with these format: svg,eot,ttf, woff. These fonts are working well for IE. but they don't work in firefox. 1. I want to know which format is used for which web browser. 2. Please help…
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