Questions tagged [entity]

In computer science an entity is an object which has an identity and can be uniquely determined, holds storable information or can be processed. As the term has a very abstract and general meaning prefer to use this tag only in conjunction with other more specific tags.

In computer science an entity is an object which has an identity and can be uniquely determined, holds storable information or can be processed. The term does not apply to a specific technology but has a more abstract meaning.

An entity is one building block in an entity-relationship model (ERM) to describe how data are modeled in an information system.

Often used specific meanings for "Entity" on Stack Overflow

  • A class or instance of a class which is mapped to a relational database by Microsoft's Entity Framework
  • A data object in Apple's iOS Core Data Framework


6026 questions
2 answers

NHibernate and Life Cycle Events

Can someone give an example to what Ayende is talking about in item #17 on his list of 25 Reasons Not To Write Your Own Object Relational Mapper Is this something that ADO.NET Entity Framework can do?
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Check if term exists and create a node with rules

I actually have 2 questions regarding Drupal 7 and Rules.: How to check if a term exists with rules How to make a new node and forward to the node entry with rules Let me sketch the scenario first and then explain in more detail: Im currently…
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1 answer

JPA need for explicit .refresh on Entity indepent of CascadeType.REFRESH?

Why isn't my CascadeType.REFRESH actually refreshing my entities? When adding an object it doesn't update the collection (still empty). I need to explicit call entity.refresh()! Here's my partial code (where .ALL could be replaced with .REFRESH,…
Robert de W
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3 answers

Undo Redo with Entity Framework

I'm converting a .net program's db access from old school sql to EntityFramework currently it has an 'undo redo' feature by holding the sql scripts in a container for later use. Is there an easy way to implement undo redo mechanism with entity…
1 answer

Entity Framework, performance tuning

I have entity "Ideas", which has child entity collection "ChildIdeas". I need to load list of ideas and count of "ChildIdeas" (only count!). I can do: eager loading from i in _dataContext.Ideas.Include("ChildIdeas") ... advantages : all necessary…
Oleg Sh
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1 answer

how to create insert query on the fly, in entity framework using create query method?

I am using something like the above sample code but when i try to execute it, it says that the query syntax is wrong and there is an error in the query syntax near keyword into... System.Data.Objects.ObjectParameter[] opc=new…
Gaurav Pandey
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1 answer

DeleteObject from Entity Framework loads the whole table?

I have run into a problem with Entity Framework. My code tries to delete 1 or more objects mostly less then 10 from a table. foreach (var val in vals) { int id = Convert.ToInt32(val); var item = _container.Users.First(x => x.Id == id); …
1 answer

Entity framework MVC3 .NET 4

I Have a little snag. With my mvc3 application. When I trying to compile my app I obtain this Error Error 2 'Blog.Domain.Concrete.EFEntryRepository' does not implement interface member…
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1 answer

How to get a JPA-persisted String[] column by ResultSet#getString() in JDBC?

I want to store multiple checkbox values in a single DB column. I don't want to store in a seperate table with @OneToMany. This is the JPA entity: @Entity @Table(name="COOK") ... @Column(name="ARRAY_FOOD" ) private String[] arrayFood; ...getter and…
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2 answers

LINQ Joining 2 tables

I have two tables in the database one contains a list of all possible grocery values. For Example Milk Cheese Bread Meat the second table contains Items from Grocery that are selected. For Example: Milk Cheese I want a result that has all…
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2 answers

Comparator throws strange ClassCastException: pkg.MyClass cannot be cast to pkg.MyClass

I am using a Comparator to sort a List by it's property (of type Date) in viewscoped managed bean. The problem is that I keep getting the ClassCastException as follows - java.lang.ClassCastException: pkg.db.BaseArStatus cannot be cast to…
Bhesh Gurung
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1 answer

Application Identity problem in Google App

I'd like to use @Embeddable annotation. So, it suggest to define as Application Identity. I created as the Data Nucleus Documentation. But it still error. import java.util.List; import javax.persistence.CascadeType; import…
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1 answer

How to don't create column in hibernate include some property in entity class

I want to property in entity seam. But I dont want to create column in database. for example my entity is ; @Entity public class Category extends Item implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID =…
1 answer

Entity Framework 4 and generating POCO classes using Poco entity generator

I generate my poco classes by updating my edmx file from the database and run the standard POCO entity generator template. I wonder if any of you has written a T4 template that generate Poco classes that contain a max field length for each string…
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1 answer

Entity Framework 4.1 Code First Changes in Relationships often do not take

I often get errors when running test cases after changing relationships. When checking the relationships on the data diagram I notice that they are often not reflecting any of the changes I did or only some of them, confusing the model. This only…
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