Questions tagged [entity]

In computer science an entity is an object which has an identity and can be uniquely determined, holds storable information or can be processed. As the term has a very abstract and general meaning prefer to use this tag only in conjunction with other more specific tags.

In computer science an entity is an object which has an identity and can be uniquely determined, holds storable information or can be processed. The term does not apply to a specific technology but has a more abstract meaning.

An entity is one building block in an entity-relationship model (ERM) to describe how data are modeled in an information system.

Often used specific meanings for "Entity" on Stack Overflow

  • A class or instance of a class which is mapped to a relational database by Microsoft's Entity Framework
  • A data object in Apple's iOS Core Data Framework


6026 questions
2 answers

Making auto generated partial class implement custom interface

Lately I've been working on a Silverlight project in which there is an auto generated class located in *File.Web.g.cs with a definition: [DataContract(Namespace="")] public sealed partial…
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how to get number of columns in an entity, like datatable?

I am new to entity framework. I want to get the number of columns of an entity object just like the old Datatable technique. İs it possible ? For example , in standart Nortwind Database , For the Customers table how can I get number of columns…
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DDD - Access repositories from entities, bis

I've asked a previous question last month, about whether an Entity should access a Repository, and although it looks like most people think they shouldn't, I have to admit it's hard for me to get convinced. I have a use case for which I really can't…
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Entity Framework Query Filter

Is it possible to add a sort-of a global filter to an Entity Framework object context? Such as having an ObjectMaterialized which can return an indicator of whether or not to include a given object in the result set.
1 answer

Core Data InterMediate Entity

There are 3 entity Father ---->Name Son ---->Name FatherSon---->ID Relationships Father --->>fatherson Son --->sonfather FatherSon-->father---->>fatherson, son---->sonfather I have use intermediate table to save relations between…
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Generate correct model from database containing pre-existing table per hierarchy inheritance

My very first Q. on StackOverflow: I have a database originally generated using code first in Entity Framework 4.1. Another team and the DBA have asked that we move to database-first design for a number of good reasons. The database originally…
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HTML/CSS Alpha code $ IE not rendering

I'm trying to use a $ sign in my html page, in which i use the html code below $dollar; Although in IE it doesn't seem to render the dollar sign.... Any ideas?
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Entity Framework - Advice and best practice

I've recently started with Entity Framework on an MVC project I'm doing to get the grips with the technologies and I've got a few questions : .. My first one is this, this is my Save code for an entity - Is this the best way.. it looks a little…
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Behavior of JPA ORM of two entities with different CascadeType parameter?

I have a question regarding the JPA OR mapping between two persistent entities with a different CascadeType parameter on their annotations. To clarify things, here is a simple example: @Entity public class Article { @Id @GeneratedValue …
It's Leto
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3 answers

Repository Pattern with 2 services & 2 dataccess layers - C# DDD?

Can anyone help, I have 2 applications and they are nearly identical. they have a completely different presentation layer (web) and the business logic and database are nearly identical. Basically one app has some things that the other doesn't. so i…
mark smith
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Using Entity Framework 4.1 Code First Fluent API to configure an Entity that has a composite key based on two other entities

I've just started to get a grasp of Entity Framework and have had no problems with the mapping of simple entities to their individual tables, but now I've run across a more advance scenario that has me stumped. I have the following POCOs public…
1 answer

Global ObjectContext or local one?

I'm starting with the Entity Framework and the repository pattern. I'm confused about the ObjectContext. Is it better to instantiate it each time we need it? I'm using like that: private GenericRepository _genericRepository; public…
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1 answer

JPA Criteria join

I have two entity classes with many to one relation. I need to select all the parent records that has a child record with a min value smaller than provided. @Entity class Parent; { String source; } @Entity class child { @ManyToOne Parent…
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Trying to use Mysql with .net

I install the MySQL connector but this error "System.ArgumentException: Unable to find the requested .Net Framework Data Provider. It may not be installed." /// Initializes a new gerenteEntities object using the connection string found in the…
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Using Entity Framework with Telerik's Controls

I have worked with products of Telerik about two week,and in my opinion the Entity Framework is better than the Open Access(ORM), But i wonder that other Products of Telerik(EXP:GridView or ....) hasn't any problem with Entity Framework? I want to…
Salah Sanjabian
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