Questions tagged [emberfire]

EmberFire is the officially supported Ember JS adapter for Firebase with Ember-Data.

EmberFire is intended to make it easy to build Firebase-powered Ember applications.

151 questions
1 answer

Firebase Security Rules Emberfire Multiple Access Levels Per Node

I have two Ember models: a items and comments. User will post an item, and other users will be able to comment on the items. I cannot setup security rules within firebase that allow name and description to be writable by only the current user, but…
Nathanael Smith
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Ember Data Edit After Create "Error: Attempted to handle event `didCommit` on while in state root.loaded.updated.uncommitted

tl;dr: Is editing a model's attributes while the model is saving officially unsupported? I seem to recall that attempts to edit while a record was inFlight used to be rejected by the state machine circa 2013, but I thought that limitation had been…
Gabriel Grant
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How do I set up roles in firebase auth?

I am currently logging in with email and password. But I would like to be able to assign a role to each user: admin or user. I have read that this is done by using the custom auth method, but I find the docs not clear to implement with…
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How to use emberfire to query a firebase db for all items with name equalTo xyz in ember.js 2.0.0?

I'm new to ember.js and firebase. I've been trying to make something that needs me to query the DB for a key matching a defined value. According to, the following example should work:'person', { filter: { name:…
Jayant Bhawal
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Basic security rules with Firebase

I'm having issues implementing basic security rules with Firebase (I read documentation on Firebase and StackExchange but cannot make security rules work): The model (Emberjs representation of the model): App.User = DS.Model.extend({ uid:…
Samuel Segal
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offline-firebase does not work EmberFire (and ember-cli)

When I try to use offline-firebase with EmberFire, I get these errors (and nothing gets saved to firebase): adapters/application.js export default DS.FirebaseAdapter.extend({ firebase: new…
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3 answers

Closing an emberfire/torii session and logging out throws permission_denied errors

I am using EmberFire with the Torii for sessions. I am getting an odd issue when I log a user out, and the following errors are thrown in the console: firebase.js:186 Error: permission_denied at /folders/-KKvrk3K_JOHxQWgR1km: Client doesn't have…
Adam Duro
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1 answer

Ember.js: make current user globally accessible

I am writing an ember app (using ember 2.3.0) using emberfire & torii for authentication. After a user logs in, their uid is available to me in the torii session object. I also have a user model and would like to access other data related to the…
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2 answers

Is there a way with emberfire to specify that a timestamp attribute on a model should be given the Firebase.ServerValue.TIMESTAMP value?

I have a model with a timestamp attribute. When records are created on the server I would like the value of this attribute to be initialized with a value by the server rather than the client providing the value, so that these timestamps are…
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1 answer

Implement Firebase simpleLogin email & password in Ember.js app

I've been trying to figure out how to correctly implement firebase's simpleLogin in my ember.js app from this blog post and this source code to no avail. The blog post example uses github as the authentication provider, but I need to use the email &…
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Ember - Sort Model after findAll

I'm using Emberfire in my app, and I'm trying to findAll stats, and then sort that model by a key, like in the following example. But, when I sort this way I lose the ability to see real time updates in my template and I have to reload the page to…
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1 answer

Refresh application route after login

I would like to know what the correct way is to refresh my application route after a login, so that my model is loading correctly. At the moment i only get the desired results after hard refreshing the browser. My application.js…
Frank Spin
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1 answer

Ember.js Acceptance Testing not waiting for asynchronous data operations

When using the Emberfire (Firebase) adapter, I'm getting various errors that indicate the tests are not waiting for data operations to complete. eg: Error: Assertion Failed: You can only unload a record which is not inFlight. when I try to create,…
Gabriel Grant
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1 answer

How to organize my model

i try to build a simple chat. User can select another one to talk with it. I use Ember with firebase. I've build my model like firebase example. This is my simple model. User Model : import DS from "ember-data"; var user = DS.Model.extend({ …
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1 answer

Saving relationships in Ember.js and emberFire

Lets say I have two models, Book and Chapter. App.Book = DS.Model.extend name: DS.attr 'string' chapters: DS.hasMany 'chapters', async: true App.Chapter = DS.Model.extend name: DS.attr 'string' book: DS.belongsTo 'book', async: true Using…
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