Questions tagged [email-verification]

Email verification is the process determining whether a particular email-address can actually receive mail and (usually) that a particular person has access to it (e.g. during an account signup process). This is distinct from email validation, which is concerned simply with determining whether a given string is a valid email address (leaving aside the problem of whether it exists, or who owns it).

411 questions
1 answer

Add send email verification link on register page php

I want to add an email verification link that should be sent when a new user registers, he has to go in and press the link and then will his account be activated. How can I do that in the best and easiest way? Here is my…
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Verify that a user's email exists in provided domain using PHP

Possible Duplicate: check if email are valid and exists How to validate an email address in PHP I am developing a application for sending mail by provided mail address in PHP. now i wanna validate given mail address is really exist in domain or…
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1 answer

anyone ever used this email verification script?

Trumail ( is a free and open source email validation/verification system. but after installing it (we found an image in docker hub) we couldn't make it work and verify any email. if anyone has ever used it please…
2 answers

How to generate random code for Android application email verification

I am writing a new Android application that require the users to register and the system need to send emails to give them a code for email verification. The random code need to be a 6-digit code that consisting numbers with uppercase alphabet, for…
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1 answer

Verify Email and Update MySQL DB Column

Need help in creating a verify.php / confirm.php for my site after registration. Email is already being sent to the email of user with a confirmation link. I need the link to work like this: When link is clicked, user will be directed to our site…
2 answers

Verification form error

I've been at this for a few hours now and scratching my head as to what the problem is. The form works and sends the email, but when the verification link is clicked, it does not show the echoed "Success" message, but the die("error message");…
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