Questions tagged [email-notifications]

Email notifications is used to send selected users email about specific activities in the system, such as updates to incidents or change requests. If you want to change how the system processes incoming email,

Email notifications allow administrators to specify:

  • When to send the notification
  • Who receives the notification
  • What content is in the notification

Additional email notification options are available. Users can subscribe to notifications, and administrators can make some notifications mandatory. See Notifications for all the tasks required to create and send custom email when system events occur.

Source: Email Notifications

504 questions
1 answer

Email recipients based on Shipping method Id for Woocommerce new order notification

In Woocommerce, I would like to have a new order email sent to specific persons based on the selected shipping method ID. Right now, I am only able to have every email address added to the new order email, but ultimately want to have the email be…
2 answers

duplicate recipient names showed in sent email notification mvc

I am working on a project with sending an email notification to assigned users. The email notification is working fine and was sent to assigned users. But the problem is, the email sent shows duplicate names see screenshot. The sent email is not…
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1 answer

Change source e-mail notification address for Google Script

Thank you for your time! Need help with google-apps-script. I created Google Script code for E-mail notifications. By default, the E-mail notifications are sent from my e-mail address. I need to change the E-mail sender address to a different one.…
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1 answer

email notification in laravel 5.5 i get this error ```Trying to access array offset on value of type null```

i want to get email notification each time a new user is registered but after creating php artisan make:notification Taskcompleted and added Notification::route('mail','')->notify(new TaskCompleted()); like this in my contoller public…
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1 answer

Receiving Time Based (Every 15 minutes) Summary of failures for Google Apps Script:

I canceled my Gsuite account a few weeks ago. I have transferred my domain to a new provider and set up a redirect for the email address that was associated with my canceled Gsuite account. I have started Receiving Time Based (Every 15 minutes)…
1 answer

Can I get a email data from Database in Notification Laravel?

EDIT: What i want is having a new subscribers email to show at email notification. i want to get those email that has been stored in database to be displayed in the email form below. after the sentence You have a new subscriber: it will show the new…
Dava Eranda
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1 answer

Ways to prevent multiple email notification with php&mysql

My 1st post, but i got many great answers and tips from stackoverflow so far. This one was a close call-> How does facebook, gmail send the real time notification? but not exactly, so let brainstorm this together. I have CMS system with mail…
1 answer

How do Gmail notifications work? (Android)

How does gmail detect this when a mail arrives? I guess, sending and receiving e-mail is not part of the Android operating system. So, how does gmail do this? Thanks in advance.
F. Ak
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2 answers

Notifies administrator (site_mail) of new user registrations

I am developing a web app a Spring based web app. I want know how I can notify administrator (site_mail) of new user registrations.
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