Questions tagged [elfinder]

elFinder is open-source file manager for web, written in JavaScript using jQuery and jQuery UI

elFinder is an open-source file manager for web, written in JavaScript using jQuery UI. Creation is inspired by simplicity and convenience of Finder program used in Mac OS X operating system.

Feature Overview:

  • Supports all operations with files and folders on a remote server (copy, move, upload, create folder/file, rename, etc.)
  • Supports multiple root directories
  • Can be used with Local file storage, MySQL database or FTP volumes
  • Easy integration with web editors (elRTE, CKEditor, TinyMCE)
  • 3rd party connectors
  • Flexible configuration of access rights, upload file types, user interface and other
  • Extensibility (you can create as many commands as you wish)

Project History

elFinder was created by Studio-42 in 2009. The last update by the company was released on April 10th, 2012 (version 2.0-rc1). After that, the plugin has been maintained by the user nao-pon and by the community.

Important note: If you want use this plugin, make sure you use one of the latest releases (2.x or 2.1) available on GitHub, as they have innumerous bug fixes that are not present on the official plugin page.


3rd Party Connectors

221 questions
2 answers

Adding a custom context menu item to elFinder

I'm using elfinder and I would like to add new functionality by adding a command to the context menu. I found a solution on the github issue tracker of the project but I can't get it to work. Here's what I do: var elf; jQuery().ready(function() { …
Martin Müller
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1 answer

Custom the right click menu of elfinder (a jquery file manager plugin)

I am working on a customized share button with the elfinder, there is tutorial about how to custom the right click menu, and I have implemented it. However, there are some rules I would like to apply for the menu 1) For folder only, exclude the…
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How to get the before upload event at the elfinder plugin (a file manager plugin)

I am working on the file manager using jquery here is the code: var elfinder = $('#elfinder').elfinder({ url: '', soundPath: '', height:…
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2 answers

TinyMCE 4 with elFinder

Is somebody already tried to integrate elFinder into new (4b1) version of TinyMCE? It looks like previous implementation isn't working. Please post some snippets, thanks a lot.
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Laravel Elfinder redirecting to homepage while using 'auth' middleware

I am using and whenever i set middleware to auth in config/elfinder.php file , I am redirected to home page, but whene i use middleware to NULL , elfinder opens perfectly fine. How can i secure the route…
John Cargo
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2 answers

CKEditor and elFinder integration example

I try to follow an instruction in how to Integration CKEditor with elFinder but not work. is there an example of CKEditor that has been integrated with elFinder, if anybody know, please share it. Thanks
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Elfinder Open PDF rather download

I'm using Elfinder for web file manager When I double click the Pdf file, File is downloading. File should be open in new window. var y =, "new_window", o + ",top=50,left=50,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes"); In a changed to…
Maria Jeysingh Anbu
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1 answer

allow pdf upload elfinder

i'm trying to configure elfinder plugin in order to allow uploading PDF files, but am not able. Error: this kind of files are not allowed. My codes: $opts = array( 'roots' => array( array( 'driver' =>…
Souheil Diab
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1 answer

Add multiple roots in elFinder with array an array

I have a JSON decoded array as following that having paths to roots. $file_path = json_decode($_REQUEST['file_path']); As we know we can add multiple roots as follows. $opts = array( 'roots' => array( array( 'driver' =>…
Lahiru Madusanka
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0 answers

symfony FMElfinder bundle multiple fileselect

i searched every where for this feature and i couldn't find the right config to do this. when i select one file the select icon is enabled but when i select more, it becomes disabled. i expected the elfinder to let me select more than one file and…
abdollah zakeri
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1 answer

elfinder image thumbnails does not show in windows and linux server

I test elfinder on windows localhost and on a linux server but while thumbnail image has created in .tmb folder but has no preview on the elFinder instances. this is a screenshot of my elfinder dialog window: I test 755 , 775 permissions for .tmb…
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1 answer

elfinder issue with dialog or tabs

I'm having this issue when i include elfinder inside my dialog w/tabs. The footer part overlaps the actual height size but once I resize the navbar (red circle) it auto-resizes perfectly. Anyone know how to fix this? my jquery elfinder…
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elfinder not displaying directories of AWS S3 with Laravel

I am using barryvdh elfinder package to display all the files and folders from my AWS S3 bucket. In elfinders config I have defined root as follows: [ 'driver' => 'Flysystem', 'path' => '', 'defaults' => array('read'…
Milan Maharjan
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0 answers

Integrating elfinder with s3 in Laravel 4.2

I am trying to integrate elfinder in Laravel 4.2 using barryvdh/laravel-elfinder package. This works perfectly for the local file system. I need to integrate it with AWS S3. For that I have used flysystem driver. In this packages config file, I have…
Milan Maharjan
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1 answer

Disable multiple file select in elFinder

We are using elFinder for our software, and also using its file picker. This is the (actually working) code: var elfinderInstance = modalBody.elfinder({ lang: 'de', [...], getFileCallback: function(data) { $("#" +…
Roman Holzner
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