Questions tagged [ecdh]

97 questions
1 answer

openssl 1.0.2, how to force server to choose only set of ciphers

I have client server which uses opensl 1.0.2j, and want to force the server to use only the following…
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3 answers

What makes ECDH rely on two public keys alone?

I have a basic question about ECDH (Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman). The whole idea is that both sides exchange their own public keys and arrive at the same private key. However, you can trivially intercept both keys. Inputting the other public key…
1 answer

Understanding OpenSSL ECDH code

I have seen there are a few posts in stack overflow regarding this topic, most of them without any answer like OpenSSL calculate ECDH secret My question is I have been using these commands from the…
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1 answer

crypto.createECDH is not getting added with webpack

I want to use createECDH function provided by crypto module in nodejs. I downloaded all the dependencies. Webpack does not add createECDH function in my resultant javascript files. How to use createECDH function of crypto available in node. it adds…
1 answer

Node.JS crypto.ECDH.computeSecret() always throw an error

I created a test program to test ECDH algorithm from Node.JS documentation. I adapted the code to be used with my remote application, and the code looks like this: //Source var crypto = require('crypto'); var fs = require('fs'); var ecdh =…
1 answer

How to import a bitcoin private key to BigInteger?

I use the following codes to try to import a bitcoin private key and compute the public key. The computed ECPublicKey is not equal to bitcoinPublicKey. How to correct? string bitcoinPrivateKeyStr =…
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Why P-521 public key X,Y some time is 65 bytes some time is 66 bytes

I use golang generate the P-521 public key. source code look like that: curve:=elliptic.P521() priv, x, y, err := elliptic.GenerateKey(curve, rand.Reader) xBytes:=x.Bytes() yBytes:=y.bytes() //len(xBytes) some time is 65 bytes ,some time is 66…
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