Questions tagged [ecdh]

97 questions
0 answers

Use micro-ecc generated raw secp256k1 public key in C# to generate a shared secret on the server

I plan to use the micro-ecc C code on my microcontroller-based end unit to create a uECC_secp256k1 public and private keys pair. When connecting to a C# server, it will receive the server's raw 64-byte public key and send back to the server the end…
1 answer

Encryption in swift using Diffie Hellman key exchange and an elliptic curve encryption

I've been trying to encrypt and decrypt a string in swift using a Diffie Hellman key exchange and an elliptic curve encryption. Following is the code that I followed. SWIFT Code : let attributes: [String: Any] = [kSecAttrKeySizeInBits as String:…
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Node.js crypto create ecdh with the tron public address

I am aiming for wallet address encryption, using the TronWeb.createAccount(), I fetch the public address for wallet in base58 and the private key as hex. Sample Public Address: TPeGpPdJGQoNobV4SEjXLdrjefN3iCAAAA Sample Private Key:…
1 answer

ECDH + JWE encryption/decryption using jose4j

I am trying to implement ECDH encryption/decryption along with JWE in Android (Java). I have found the jose4j and Nimbus JOSE libraries that aim to do everything I need but appears that it's more challenging than I thought. If anybody is familiar…
Michael Kessler
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ECDH nodejs and C# key exchange

I've lost my self and I need help to go in the right direction :) I have nodejs server that have to exchange some critical data with the server that is written in C#, so in that case, I want my data to be encrypted somehow. I was thinking about…
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do sunpkcs11 supports CK_sensitive attribute for derived key using ECDH

I am trying to generate a shared secret through ECDH using SUNpkcs11 with certain attributes: CKA_TOKEN= false CKA_SENSITIVE=true CKA_EXTRACTABLE=true" CKA_ENCRYPT=true" While my base key has CKA_DERIVE, SENSITIVE etc set to true but while doing so…
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how to openSSL 1.1.1 ECDH with 25519

i need to implement ecdh with 25519 using openssl. using: key = EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name(NID_X25519) fails. using this: EVP_PKEY *pkey = NULL; EVP_PKEY_CTX *pctx = EVP_PKEY_CTX_new_id(NID_X25519,…
2 answers

Web Crypto API – ECDH - Possible to import private key with only the private key component, without the public key components?

Given a P-256 Elliptical Curve Diffie-Hellman Private Key (which is simply a random 256-bit integer): is it possible to import this private key into a CryptoKey object, using the window.crypto.subtle.importKey() method of the Web Crypto API –…
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Generating ECDH keys using python and secp384 curve in python

private key pairs and I am trying to generate ECDH keys and I am trying to find a python library to help me do that, Can someone help me if there is any python library out there?
0 answers

fips compliant authenticated encryption for ios/swift

I'm looking for fips compliant authenticated encryption. If I understand correctly, there's no support for authenticated encryption out of the box in ios. In that case I suppose I can do AES-CBC + SHA256. I know the latter is supported. Is the…
Zohar Etzioni
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Which order is correct? ECDSA runs before ECDH or after ECDH?

I am confused about the execution order of ECDSA and ECDH, which one runs first ? Since ECDH can not avoid MITM attach, therefore ECDSA is used to verify the entity. So ECDSA should run before ECDH ? Or it doens't matter at all?
Allan K Liu
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mbedTLS ECDH Curve25519 and openSSL

i try to learn something about diffie-hellman an elliptic curves... my target is actually to generate a key pair with openSSL on my windows pc, transfer the generated public key to my stm32 target and than calculate the secret with the mbedTLS…
0 answers

Elliptic Curve Cryptography Shared Secret Key Derivation

I am implementing ECDH and wanted to ask how the shared secret that is derived from one's private key and another's public key should be best used. I got the fact that both parties using this end up with the same secret, which is fine. The secret…
Martin Kersten
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Android Trying to get Public Key from public key byte array: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid point encoding 0x30

I am supposed to receive server public key ("ECDH" , "secp256k1") in HEX format, which is uncompressed (65 bytes), generate my own public key in Android which is in X.509format (88 bytes), and then generate a shared secret which must be 32…
Ali Has
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Android generated KeyPair is longer than (server-generated) openssl-generated

To generate an ECDH keypair I have written below code which is the same as server's one which is using open-ssl. But my public key to Hex is like this…
Ali Has
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