Questions tagged [drupal-exposed-filter]

In Drupal, an exposed filter is a filter used by the Views module that is exposed to users, who can decide the criteria used to filter the content shown from a view.

75 questions
7 answers

How to change the label of the default value (-Any-) of an exposed filter in Drupal Views?

I created a view which has three exposed filters. Everything works fine except the fact that I can neither translate or change the default string (-Any-) for the dropdowns. Is there a way to change this string to something more meaningful like…
Ege Özcan
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4 answers

Expose a Drupal Views filter as an on/off checkbox to enable/disable the filter

I have a Drupal view that filters on a taxonomy field. I would like to be able to toggle the filter on/off by exposing a checkbox on the Exposed Filters form. To illustrate the problem, say for example the Vocabulary is Fruit, and the Terms are…
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1 answer

Exposed filters: None vs. All results

I have a view which has some exposed fields. When the view comes up the first time, all of the exposed fields are set up to not restrict the output in any way. So the view shows all of the records matching the criteria. I would like to make it so…
Mark S.
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2 answers

Drupal Views Expose Filter Date Time Popup

I need to expose filter for date time field using popup calendar. But i could not choose 'popup' on form element options. Every time i choose popup, it automatically change it 'select'. And an error ocurre, which is: 'missing field type!'. What's…
0 answers

Modify the query that generates the exposed form element in Drupal

I would like to change the dropdown filter in a view, by modifying the query that generates it. I do not want to modify the form values after they got pouplated with data already, because it is huge list. Is there a hook like this view-query…
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3 answers

Drupal VIews Exposed Filter: Taxonomy Select List?

Drupal 6: I have a view (version 2) with an exposed filter on taxonomy term name. The provided exposed widget is a text field with 'Apply' button. What I'm trying to do is to have a drop down populated from a specific vocabulary ('Provinces' vocab…
2 answers

Drupal show exposed filter both in block and page

Need help again guys, Is there any way to display the exposed filters in a block and in a page without delete the filters of the page? I am using Exposed Form Filter at YES, the block with the filters is created but when i go to the page of the…
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2 answers

SEO Friendly exposed filter view Drupal 7

Currently url display like this news/?tid=telecom I need to alias news/telecom using clean URL its works in all pages but in view exposed filters not worked
Mohit Gupta
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1 answer

Drupal 7 Views Expose Filter Price Range as Checkboxes

I am using Drupal 7 to build a product reviews site. The product reviews search page is built with Views 3 and Better Exposed Filters. I need an exposed filter for a price field that consists of price ranges as checkboxes. I have set up a grouped…
2 answers

drupal 6 - can i use one exposed views filter to search/filter several similar cck fields?

i have a decent understanding of configuring drupal and using modules for basic stuff, but just getting into module development and overriding functions and stuff due to my very basic understanding of php and mysql. i have a custom content type…
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2 answers

Drupal 7 Views: Combine exposed filter with contextual filter?

Is there a way to make an exposed filter and contextual filter play nice with each other? I have the title field set as my exposed filter and then I also have a contextual filter in glossary mode. When I do a search with my exposed filter it works…
1 answer

Relating two Drupal 7 views filters

Say there are two Drupal 7 views exposed filters, one called People, another one called City. If I select one city from the City filter, then the people in the People filter should only contain people who live in the selected city. This is very…
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4 answers

Change default '-Any-' in Drupal 7 exposed views dropdown selector filter

I'd like to change the text of the default '-Any-' that Drupal 7 views uses for an exposed dropdown filter. Based on an answer in this thread, How to change the label of the default value (-Any-) of an exposed filter in Drupal Views? I have created…
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1 answer

Multiple filter criteria in one exposed filter

I'm trying to create a view with two exposed filters, one for category and one for time. I got the category done (read about it here), but I can't get the time filter to work. My idea is to make an exposed filter with 4 different dates in (all, day,…
4 answers

drupal 7 views block and contextual filter not working

I'm trying to set a contextual filter for a block type views but when I preview it, it returns nothing... More specifically when I try the same view as a page the Contextual filter is working fine and filtering the content but when I try the view as…
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