Questions tagged [drupal-content-types]

This tag is for questions about the usage of Drupal content types: managing, creating, filtering, displaying, and designing content types.

is for questions about the usage of Drupal content types including managing, creating, filtering, displaying and designing content types.

A single web site could contain many types of content, such as informational pages, news items, polls, blog posts, real estate listings, etc. In Drupal, each item of content is called a node, and each node belongs to a single content type.

Content type defines various default settings for nodes of that type, such as whether the node is published automatically and whether comments are permitted.


52 questions
3 answers

Drupal 7 add headings to each grouped section in my content type?

I have created a content type and it has about 5 groups which are all vertical tabs. For some reason the Field group label doesn't work for vertical tabs. the

tag is always:

Vertical Tabs

. The title is always…
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1 answer

Copying "Field Content" amongst different Content Types?

In D7, I have two Content Types (A & B). I want to be able to copy the existing content of certain fields in my first content type, (Content Type A), into this second brand new content type, Content Type B. I made a short video to explain this and…
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0 answers

Drupal 8 hierarchy of content types with taxonomy as parent

What would be the best way to implement a hierarchical structure like this: (A) Taxonomy term from single vocabulary (B) Some content type with parent of type A (C) Some content type with parent of type B There are reference fields from…
2 answers

How to customize/style/theme the output of a custom content type in Drupal 8?

I am creating an own Drupal 8 "classy" sub-theme. Now I created a content type called "s-box" with some textfields. I also created a view called "scol" that is a list of "s-box". This "scol" is added as a block to the site's sidebar. That works out…
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2 answers

Add custom field to content type

I create content type tv-rate-plus-ethernet via admin panel, now I neeed add to this content type custom field channel_reference, where channel_reference field return checkboxes list with channel data from custom table ks_channel. Example we have…
1 answer

Drupal change row weight in Content Types list

in Drupal 7 you have two content types by default ("Article", "Basic page"). On this page you can set up a new Content Type (e.g. "My type 1", "My type 2") having in mind your specific reasons. However, the list…
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2 answers

Hook perm for more than one content type

Drupal 6.x I have this module that manages four different content types. For that matter, how do I define permission for each content within the same module? Is that even possible? I can't figure out how to define permission for each content type…
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2 answers

how to add content type from front end in drupal 7

I am new to Drupal and the problem is described below: I have created content type "exercise" and what i want is to add this content type from front end like Please let us know in details what steps will be needed to…
1 answer

How can i have a link field in a content type display a default text when the field is empty

How can i have a link field in a content type display a default text when the field is empty. For now i have a field as a link - and the link is set to have a static title. This Works fine. But i'd like to display a default title if the field is…
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2 answers

Drupal 7 custom content type theme hiding Header/footer from node.tpl

I have a custom content type "mycustomcontenttype" and i have a view listing for this Content Type. I have also a link in title for each node when clicked will open a popup shadowbox with node details. My problem is when the details comes in popup i…
0 answers

Add a content type (like Drupal) in magento

I am a Drupal Developer and now days I am also working on magneto. I want to add a custom content type in a magento store. The fields of custom content type are completely different from "products" and i don't want to use "products" for this…
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1 answer

Drupal 7 - Display image in place of taxonomy term

I have added an image field to a vocab. This allows me to create a new term and associate an image with that term. When I create a new content type I want to add a Term Reference field but display the image and not the term. Any ideas on how to…
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Convert drupal 7 content type into code automatically. Content type generator code?

I already have a content type in my drupal project. I am currently working on my own module and would like to create a built in content type. Is there a way to convert a content type that I built directly in drupal into code ? A kind of Content Type…
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1 answer

Content Types not linked to Product Variations

I am working with Commerce Kickstart 2.0. I have created 9 content types and when I went to add the variations for each "product type" I noticed that none of them were showing up. My content types had a large amount of fields in them so I cloned…
3 answers

Drupal: Auto number field for content-type with starting value

I need a field which autonumbers my content-type, but starts at some value like 2000. I tried Serial Field and Computed Field. Couldn`t figure out how to do it. The number (using Serial Field) does automatically increment, but I cannot define a…
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