Questions tagged []

Drone is a hosted continuous integration service. It enables you to conveniently set up projects to automatically build, test, and deploy as you make changes to your code.

Drone is an open source continuous integration project, with an optional enterprise version. It enables you to conveniently set up projects to automatically build, test, and deploy as you make changes to your code.

Drone integrates seamlessly with GitHub, Bitbucket and Google Code as well as third party services such as Heroku, Dotcloud, Google AppEngine and more.

It is developed by Brad Rydzewski and Adam Singer - the free plan provides unlimited builds for open source projects.

It supports many languages and frameworks like

  • C / C++
  • Dart
  • Go
  • Haskell
  • Groovy
  • Java
  • Node.js
  • PHP (Beta)
  • Python (Beta)
  • Ruby (Beta)
  • Scala

GitHub Website

181 questions
5 answers

GitLab CI vs. Jenkins

What is the difference between Jenkins and other CI like GitLab CI, coming with the Git distribution. On some research I could only come up that GitLab community edition doesn't allow Jenkins to be added, but GitLab enterprise edition does.…
Ravikiran butti
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1 answer

How to run build in local machine with

Does the build have to run on the server? Can I run the build locally? Since developers need to pass the build first before pushing code to github, I am looking for a way to run the build on developer local machine. Below is my .drone.yml…
Joey Yi Zhao
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1 answer

Drone 0.8: build stuck in pending state

Installed Drone 0.8 on virtual machine with the following Docker Compose file: version: '2' services: drone-server: image: drone/drone:0.8 ports: - 8080:8000 - 9000:9000 volumes: - /var/lib/drone:/var/lib/drone/ …
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3 answers

Building Docker Images with

I'm running my own Drone instance in AWS and I want it to build a docker image and push it to my repo. Drone runs its build environment in a docker container, so I basically want to build docker images from inside a docker container. I found this…
Bernie Perez
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2 answers

drone (Docker-Compose in docker?)

I’d like to do docker-compose up -d Seems like plugins/docker is able to do what I want, but it fails if I don’t specify the publish-related stuff. I want to use it without publishing. Another alternative could be services, but I try always…
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3 answers

Using "Drone Conditions" for running builds part of a repository

Our project is nested inside a mono-repository. Imagine this, we have a project in a "projects" folder. For example "projects/our-project". Well, we would like to be able to check our .drone.yml into just "our-project" but it appears Drone wants the…
1 answer

Limit Github OAuth scope to organization repositories

I'm currently working on setting up Drone for CI and I've already managed to register it as an OAuth app with our Github Enterprise. In our case, the Drone OAuth app is owned by one of the organizations I'm part of. Our organizations host private…
3 answers

how to create a drone secret file?

the docs show how to set a file to a secret envvar is there a convenient way to do the opposite? e.g. have this ssh key be available in .ssh/id_rsa with all the correct permissions. And by "convienient" I…
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4 answers

How to stop (kill) a build in drone

Is there a way to kill a build in drone before it finishes or times out? The default timeout in drone is 6 hours ( And if you have a mistake in your makefile that just get's stuck…
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0 answers

pip and private repositories

I'm deploying a python application and I'm trying to create a pipeline with In my main application, I have multiple dependencies that are located in private Github repositories…
Jérémy Octeau
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2 answers

Drone CI secrets not populating

I am trying to push a docker image into a private registry in Drone 0.8.5 and it works when I hardcode username and password into the pipeline however I have tried adding both the registry details in the registry tab and as secrets. Registry…
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0 answers

Builds stuck in pending state drone

I'm using drone:0.8 with the following configuration but the only two first jobs are succeeded in building. The rest of jobs are stuck in the pending state. I'm deploying drone using Docker Swarm stack deploy. Here is my configuration file: version:…
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1 answer

Drone CI web not responding

I followed this Digital Ocean's Drone Setup Tutorial but didn't manage to get Drone CI correctly setup. It doesn't response to any requests when I tried to access until it is timeout. I can confirm that I have expose port in the config. Log from…
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1 answer

How to deploy on custom docker registry?

I setup a simple go project and I wish to build and deploy a simple docker image to my private registry. This is my .drone.yml: pipeline: build: image: golang commands: - go build docker: image: plugins/docker …
1 answer

Drone replacing environment variables with empty strings

Something happened with my Drone configuration. It's not finding the environment variables since today. Until few days ago, I could run a pipeline, but today I can't. This is the step into the pipeline: pipeline: [...] sdk: image:…
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