Questions tagged [dreamhost]

DreamHost is a Los Angeles-based web hosting, public cloud provider and domain name registrar.

DreamHost is a Los Angeles-based hosting, public cloud provider, and domain name registrar.

DreamHost's shared, , and dedicated hosting network consists of Apache, nginx and lighttpd web servers running on the Debian GNU/Linux operating system. Also included are 25+ apps including , Drupal, Joomla and Magento e-commerce along with free certificates, multi-factor authentication, and Whois privacy.

DreamHost Cloud offers cloud computing services and storage, based on and making it compatible with the most popular SDKs and configuration management tools. Its virtual servers are fast, ssh ready in 30 seconds (or less).

DreamHost's Cloud team welcomes contributions to the Cloud Knowledge Base on github and regularly hangs out on IRC freenode #dreamhost.

470 questions
9 answers

Getting error while sending email through Gmail SMTP - "Please log in via your web browser and then try again. 534-5.7.14"

I'm having problems with gmail smtp server. I already read many posts here in StackOverflow about that subject. The best post I found about test the connection is this one. Although it is very well explained the error I'm getting I couldn't find a…
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Could not find a JavaScript runtime. See for a list of available runtimes. (ExecJS::RuntimeUnavailable)

My website has been broken since Dreamhost upgraded their servers a couple of weeks ago. I have been tearing my hair out trying to get it fixed and made some progress but am stuck on what is hopefully the final issue. I'm using Rails 3.1.1 on Ruby…
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How do I install soap extension?

How do I install Soap? I got this error: Fatal error: Class 'SoapClient' not found in /home/user/ on line 16 I am hosting my site in DreamHost and they don't support any third-party installation. UPDATE: I copied the…
Loreto Gabawa Jr.
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6 answers

Leaving Github, how to change the origin of a Git repo?

I'm hosting a project in Github, but now I purchased a plan with Dreamhost that includes shell access and Git. Github [Origin] / \ pull/ \pull /push push\ / \ Laptop …
Ben Orozco
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9 answers

AWS SDK Error - Signature not yet current

I'm using the aws-sdk-php, the SesClient specifically, i've deployed an app in a customer server (hosted in DreamHost) and I'm getting this error: Signature not yet current: 20130909T170846Z is still later than 20130909T170823Z (20130909T170323Z + 5…
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7 answers

Reloading .env variables without restarting server (Laravel 5, shared hosting)

My Laravel 5 has run OK until the database was configured, then found this error: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known Doing some research it seems that I configured MySQL access too late,…
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5 answers

Is there a way to limit the amount of memory that "git gc" uses?

I'm hosting a git repo on a shared host. My repo necessarily has a couple of very large files in it, and every time I try to run "git gc" on the repo now, my process gets killed by the shared hosting provider for using too much memory. Is there a…
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2 answers

Update new Django and Python 2.7.* with virtualenv on Dreamhost (with passenger)

Dreamhost is a great host for small project. And it's also Django friendly hosting. Everything good except python and Django version is a little bit out of date. Well it's a whole day of work to figure out how to update Python 2.7.3, Django 1.4 on…
Trinh Hoang Nhu
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9 answers

Phusion Passenger Error: You have activated rack 1.2.1, but your Gemfile requires rack 1.2.2

I'm trying to run a Ruby on Rails app on a Dreamhost shared server. All is well so far except one weird bug I have not been able to unravel. Sometimes when I visit the web app, I get presented with a Phusion Passenger error saying, You have…
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8 answers

Get country location of an IP with native PHP

Read on before you say this is a duplicate, it's not. (as far as I could see) I want to get the county code in php from the client. Yes I know you can do this using external sites or with the likes of "geoip_record_by_name" but I don't want to be…
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8 answers

Rails 3 on dreamhost?

I'd like to deploy a small Rails 3 app on dreamhost (just for testing purposes, nothing serious) and I am wondering if anyone has done it already... Please choose one of the following: I did it and it's super easy, here's how: ... Though I didn't…
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2 answers

Getting Rails to display development style errors in production

I deployed a Rails 3.0.3 app to my production server and it's giving me a 500 error. This is being deployed on Dreamhost, so I looked in the logs for my domain and there is nothing and the logs for my app also show nothing. How do I get Rails…
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2 answers

Rails app randomly crashes with error "Premature end of script headers"

I am hosting a Ruby on Rails 2.0.2 application on DreamHost. It is on an Apache 2 server, running on top of Phusion Passenger. The application often returns a 500 error "Rails application failed to start properly", but at random times. It appears…
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5 answers

SVN frequently says file is locked by me in another working copy

I have an SVN repository (hosted on Dreamhost) with needs-lock set on binary files. It sometimes happen that, while committing files locked and modified by me, the commit fails with the error: Error: Commit failed (details follow): Error: File…
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1 answer

What's the difference between Rack and Passenger?

I'm trying to deploy a Sinatra app to Dreamhost and it says the following: Since DH supports Passenger, which in turn supports Rack-based ruby applications, DH does indeed support Sinatra. I'm having difficulty parsing that statement -…
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