Questions tagged [drawer]

658 questions
1 answer

Changing the Navigation Drawer menu on click

I have created a Basic Navigation Menu Drawer. What I want to do is change the Navigation Menu layout when i click on an Option. For example: My menu has Men, Women, Child. When I click on Men, I want to load another list in the same Navigation…
2 answers

Drawer below title app

I use next code to show a drawer layout in my application. I need to display the drawer under title bar. But always get it over title. I can't figure out where I do my mistake.
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Android Error [java.lang.NullPointerException: 'void' on a null object reference]

I have my main which contain a menu drawer with some fragments. Then a host page before to display the main. I have some errors about that Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void' on…
2 answers

Android add footer to navigation drawer

I am currently using a navigation drawer in one of my apps and want to add a footer space like google does, where I can put a settings and help & FAQ shortcut (just open any google app to find them). I currently am using the code foubd here:…
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Set a ContentView in the navigationdrawer

I'm kinda new into android programming, and I couldn't find the answer on the internet. I have set up a Navigation drawer in Android Studio, and I want to change the content view if that section is selected, for example, if I select a view "Tools"…
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Change icon in Navigation Drawer on the fly

I'm currently trying to change the icon in Navigation Drawer when some event occurs. Is it possible?? I mean that I change the icon - it's no problem: mDrawerToggle = new ActionBarDrawerToggle( this, …
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How do I make a Navigational Drawer Activity open when the app launches in Android Studio?

I am new to Android development (and development in general) and I'm working on a simple app. The app uses the built-in Navigational Drawer Activity template that comes with Android Studio. Everything is working correctly, but now my goal is to make…
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Image header on android studio navigation drawer not fitting properly

I have created an android app with a navigation bar activity. I have added an image header to the navigation drawer activity. But, it is showing a little gap in the left. Please help me. Here is the link to the emulator…
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Navigation Drawer with header, indexOutOfBoundsException: length=9; index=9

I have Navigation Drawer and all is ok. but i want add header. In this case i receive this error when i clicked in the Last element of the drawer. java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: length=9; index=9 this is my main code: …
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How to add Social Like . sharing and contact button in android drawer navigation

I want add social like and contact button on my drawer navigation footer . like this image ( please help me .
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How to add Customized ListView inside navigation drawer? Different views in each row

Hi I'm new to Android development and I have to create a navigation drawer with different items on it. The first row should contain a Button . The next three rows should contain TexViews , and the last row should contain an EditText I'm…
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How to open navigation drawer in android like the image below

customizing the default navigation drawer in android like image below or from opening from bottom screenshot
2 answers

Change Hamburger Icon in Android

I want to change Hamburger Icon and replace it with any other custom Icon. How can I achieve this? Is it feasible? I have go with Toolbar & DrawerLayout- how to change Hamburger icon but it doesn't work for me.
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