Questions tagged [drawer]

658 questions
1 answer

React native drawer states

I am new to react native, I used a drawer menu, but how to know it's state, i.e, is there something like _drawer.is_Open() ?
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View pager content is not shown when we go from a drawer activity to that fragment?

I have a view pager and it is showing content when it is in starting page but when we take that page from drawer activity it is not showing any content.Can anyone help me to solve out this?
1 answer

How can I Create DrawerLayout Dynamically without any xml files just from Code

I want to create DrawerLayout Dynamically without any xml files just from Code i found some examples to make items Dynamically but i want to create everything Dynamically not only items can i do that? Please help me
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OnClick Event for Navigation Drawer items

I have a trouble with my app. I want to make an app that has WebView and will change the URL when I click one of the items on the navigation drawer. For example: Facebook Twitter Github and so on. But I couldn't implement the onClick event. I am…
Tərlan Əhəd
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How to create "category" in the list item?

I would like to create some category, to separate the name of the items in the drawer menu. But I have only this in the strings.xml : Slider Menu
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common navigation drawer on different activities

I have built an application with an navigation drawer activity in it but now I want it to be present on my other activities as well. I don't want to handle events again and again in different classes. Also I got suggestions like making one base…
Adarsh Chaudhary
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How to use Android Studio default Navigation Drawer in all Activities

How to use the Android default Navigation in other Activities? I don't want to use the back button. MainActivity: public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements NavigationView.OnNavigationItemSelectedListener { TextView…
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android studio, open drawer right after it is closed

I have a drawer and ive tried to double it. Well it went pretty well, but i had an issue with part of it. If I open the first drawer and click on an item it opens a new drawer and you can choose again. So far so good. the problem is I was tring to…
Tal Gonen
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Hiding NavigationDrawer on app start

I have problem with my application, I use NavigationDrawer in it, and whenever my app is launching, NavigationDrawer is opened. I have no idea what is causing this, but this is annoying... How can I prevent this behavior?
Adam Staszak
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Android, handle onBackPressed while drawer is showing

In default, when the drawer is showing and you press the BackButton it automatically close. but I want when it's showing and user clicks on BackButton, close the app. I tried these solution but didn't work : Navigation drawer, handling the back…
Ali Aqa
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How to change slider menu to custom view?

I am new to android.I had developed an android app with a slider menu using the library. I want the menu in this way: Now I want to change slider menu to my custom xml view .How can I change this with this library?? is it possible ?? Please help me…
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Flutter Drawer: Is it possible to scroll only part of the drawer?

I'm trying to build an app where you could open a drawer and scroll only content below DrawerHeader(). When I have DrawerHeader as a child of ListView, naturally it scrolls with the whole list. I've tried Drawer(child:Column(children:…
Adam Plk
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Navigation Drawer from right to left?

I am using android studio 3.1 and I want to change the drawer so that it is shown from the right side . I tried android:layout_gravity="end" and that worked for me fine when swipping from rtl , but I still have one problem with the menu button on…
2 answers

Change to another activity when item Material Drawer is clicked

I am trying to switch to another activity when the item in Material Drawer is clicked. I am using Material Drawer (com.mikepenz.materialdrawer:library:2.9.8) in this application. The problem is when I try to switch to another activity with clicking…
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