Questions tagged [dotnetopenauth]

DotNetOpenAuth is an open source library for OpenID 1.1 and 2.0 supporting OAuth 1.0, 1.1, 2.0 as Consumer and Service Provider.

DotNetOpenAuth is a free and open source library and is available from It features support for OpenID 1.1 and 2.0 Relying Parties and Providers, OAuth 1.0 & 1.1 Consumers and Service Providers, OAuth 2.0 Clients, Resource Servers and Authorization Servers, and Information Card relying parties.

It was formerly knows as DotNetOpenId, but was renamed when it added OAuth and InfoCard support.

Please use this tag instead of the older "dotnetopenid" tag.


You can install the library most easily using its NuGet package.

1110 questions
2 answers

DotNetOpenAuth Get Facebook Email Address

I have the following code where its grabbing First/Last name. I realize that email is an extended permission, but what would I need to modify to request extended permissions? How do I get the email of an authenticated Facebook user through the…
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5 answers

DotNetOpenAuth CTP - Facebook bad request

I am trying to use the CTP to connect with Facebook over OAuth 2.0. I can get the initial request to Facebook working OK, but when it comes back and we call: // Where null will become an HttpRequestInfo…
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3 answers

DotNetOpenAuth: Message signature was incorrect

I'm getting a "Message signature was incorrect" exception when trying to authenticate with MyOpenID and Yahoo. I'm using pretty much the ASP.NET MVC sample code that came with DotNetOpenAuth 3.4.2 public ActionResult Authenticate(string openid) { …
Shawn Miller
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6 answers

DotNetOpenAuth.Asp Couldnt Load Assembly or one of its dependencies in MVC4 App Unit Tests

I am facing with very strange error in my project. I installed DotnetOpenAuth.Aspnet and Microsoft.AspNet.WebPages.OAuth libraries nuget packages. When I run the project there is no problem. But When I write the test for controllers it is throwing…
1 answer

Using OpenID in ASP.Net MVC3, where do I get the user data?

I realize OpenID is somewhat of a behemoth, or more complex than a typical registration form, but I feel I'm missing something here. According to this question, I'm supposed to save the unique identifier key I'm given by my provider. The provider…
Only Bolivian Here
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1 answer

dotnetopenid tutorial

Pretty basic question, but can someone please point me to a constructive tutorial on how to implement and use dotnetopenid? I'm struggling to find any real documentation that explains how to implement the thing. I couldn't find anything on their…
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4 answers

Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel for Facebook

I've had social sign-in using Facebook implemented in Production for some time. As of this morning, it is no longer working for me. I am getting the same error in dev (which has no SSL) and in production, which is hosted on Azure Web Sites, and does…
Dan Friedman
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3 answers

Google's OpenID identifier is different depending on the "consumer" domain name. How to avoid problems if domain name needs to change?

I'm currently testing an OpenID implementation, and I'm noticing that Google sends a different identifier for different consuming host name / domain name, even for the same user. For example, Google sends a different identifier when the requesting…
Johnny Oshika
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2 answers

OAuthWebSecurity "Remember me" for Twitter

Using DotNetOpenAuth on MVC4 C# for my application to get authentication for users from Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and yahoo. Currently all the providers other than twitter will allow existing users to just log in without asking for permission when…
1 answer

How do I force OAuth2 access token expiration with DotNetOpenAuth

I'm implementing OAuth2 authorization/resource server based on DotNetOpenAuth. My server is going to issue access tokens with very long life time. These tokens are going to be used from iOS devices. The flow, the way I see it, is like this, 1) a…
Andrew Savinykh
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2 answers

Google OpenId: No OpenID endpoint found (intermittent)

Usually using the Google OpenId works fine, thousands of times a day, then it will start intermittently going wrong and timing out for an hours or so (some requests will validate but not all). Repeated validation will eventually work. Error messages…
Ben Adams
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3 answers

Where is the source for DotNetOpenAuth? The primary Sourceforge link contains just samples and the ApplicationBlock

Now that DNOA may do Call Home Reporting I want to investigate the source to see exactly what is being transmitted to the DNOA servers. The link on Source Forge only gives me the "Application Block" some samples, and a compiled DLL. Where is the…
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3 answers

Is Windows Live ID an OpenID Provider?

I've heard different things. Seems like Microsoft experimented with a beta service, but I don't know if it's still available, or ever made it into production. If Windows Live ID is an OpenID Provider, where is the endpoint?
Chris Fulstow
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1 answer

OAuth Simple Service Provider

I am struggling trying to pick apart the OAuth Service Provider example which is included in DotNetOpenAuth. I searched SO and found a few similar/related posts, but nothing really useful. Is there any open-source project or really…
Josh Barker
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6 answers

What's the secret to getting ClaimsResponse working with DotNetOpenId?

What's the secret to getting ClaimsResponse working with DotNetOpenId? For example, in this bit of code (from Scott Hanselman's blog) the ClaimsResponse object should have lots of nice little things like 'nickname' and 'email address', but the…
Dan Esparza
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