Questions tagged [dotnetopenauth]

DotNetOpenAuth is an open source library for OpenID 1.1 and 2.0 supporting OAuth 1.0, 1.1, 2.0 as Consumer and Service Provider.

DotNetOpenAuth is a free and open source library and is available from It features support for OpenID 1.1 and 2.0 Relying Parties and Providers, OAuth 1.0 & 1.1 Consumers and Service Providers, OAuth 2.0 Clients, Resource Servers and Authorization Servers, and Information Card relying parties.

It was formerly knows as DotNetOpenId, but was renamed when it added OAuth and InfoCard support.

Please use this tag instead of the older "dotnetopenid" tag.


You can install the library most easily using its NuGet package.

1110 questions
1 answer

Requesting Oauth Google authrization from Service

I am in Web Service Environment and I am interacting with Google API for OAuth. I have seen some samples from ASPX model where they call GoogleConsumer.RequestAuthorization(googleClient,ANY GOOGLE APP Scope); it works fine. BUT when I am in…
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Google + OAuth and/or DotNetOpenAuth to get a contact list -

I'm probably missing something incredibly obvious here, so that's why I'm asking my the hope that someone can see what I'm missing. I just learned about OAuth for the first time last week, and I'm trying to use it (in this case) to…
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Google Analytics Data from Console App with C#

I am trying to write a service that will pull Google Analytics data via a windows service or a console app. No matter what I try, I am unable to authorize my app using oAuth I can do something like this var analyticsService = new…
Greg R
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Cross Domain SSO with DotenetOpenAuth

I have integrated DotenetOpenAuth to login using google account. Its working perfect. Can i achieve this with it ? Once user logged in if user browse to the user get automatically logged in.
Rizwan Mumtaz
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username is null in DotNetOpenAuth2.ResourceServer.VerifyAccess

I have implemented an authorization server based on the sample and am receiving an access token in response to client credentials request. From my understanding this access token has a null username because it is not tied to a user. I have…
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Some questions about OpenId

I am researching about OpenId and seeing if it is a good solution for my website and some things confused me. Correct me if I am wrong. "My understanding is that OpenID works in a way that user sends the credential to authorization server and that…
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DotNetOpenAuth: Sign into website with Gmail account

I'm trying to test a simple ASP.NET app using DotNetOpenAuth DLL. Does anyone has a simple code example?
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DotNetOpenAuth ClaimsResponse return Null with unified library v4.0 ++ Google OpenId

I'm really puzzled about this, I know there is a couple of duplicate posts like this around, done quite some reading and I know a bit about ClaimsResponse (at least i think i do) working with both SREG and AX information, web.config configuration…
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ASP.NET MVC 4 - DotnetOpenAuth - How to set a Facebook permissions scope?

I like set the Facebook permissions scope. As example user_about_me and email. I find this solution in web: Dictionary facebookPermissions = new Dictionary(); facebookPermissions.Add("scope",…
Gregor Biswanger
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How to generate an access token for an application

I'm using dotnetopenauth I need to generate an access token for an application(it will supply its id and secret), not for a user, somenthing like what Facebook does. Is it possible using I guess I need somenthing like this…
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Why DotnetOpenID have not implemented the logout from Openid Provider?

Possible Duplicate: How to logout from Relying Party? Why DotnetOpenID have not implemented the logout from Openid Provider ? There current version is DotNetOpenId- and DotNetOpenAuth- Are they planning to implement logout in…
1 answer

Error with all XSLTs when referring DotNetOpenAuth.DLL - Umbraco 4.7.1

I just referred DotNetOpenAuth.DLL and all XSLTs are showing error.. Removing DotNetOpenAuth makes all work fine!!.. It seems like some kind of bug.. I am on a project deadline and its DotNetOpenAuth is a must to finish it.. Please help....... I…
Ansar Muhammad
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DotNetOpenAuth and LinkedIn

Is it possible to use DNOA with LinkedIn ? I need a way to retrieve data from LinkedIn based on a single user. This means, my application will have a single user that serves all requests. Is there a programmatic way to get authenticated with…
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Facebook and dotnetopenauth issue

We established an OpenID provider at base on DotNetOpenAuth. (the authentication is base on signaturs with silverlight client...) As we tried to login to facebook we encounter a problem with IE (6,7,8). In FF and Chrome the loggin…
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How to authenticate facebook user with username and password from an external website?

I am new to web development. My goal is: - I have username and password for a facebook (FB) user. - Now, I want to pass these credentials(via POST,GET or any other way...whatever) to FB to validate the user and if validated, save the user session. -…
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