Questions tagged [dotcloud]

dotCloud is a platform-as-a-service. It let developers deploy and scale their applications with a mix and match from a large choice of languages, databases, caching and messaging components, leaving them in full control of their technology stack. Web applications are divided into services, which are configured with a central deployment file.

172 questions
5 answers

Mounting directory from parent system to container in Docker

How do I mount a directory from the parent system to a container in Docker?
Pavel Nuzhdin
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Looking for PaaS providers recommendations

I want to develop our new project using a PaaS provider. I'll be developing primary in PHP, but would like that the service can provide other languages too (and add-ons available too, like MongoDB, Memcached, redis, etc). I've seem some PaaS as…
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1 answer

How to get the output from docker run -i

docker run normally returns the output of the command it runs. I need to pass some data to docker, run a command that processes the data, and return the output. When I use the -i option, no output is returned. Consider this simple example: echo…
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gunicorn, nginx (v 1.3.14), django, and, on dotcloud

I am trying to deploy gunicorn + gevent behind nginx (v 1.3.14) on dotcloud. I have a few questions about it. I am aiming to adapt the python-on-dotcloud example. So far, I have not been able to get the websockets portion working with this setup.…
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3 answers

Django + uwsgi + nginx + SSL

I am using Django on DotCloud which uses Django on top of uwsgi + nginx. I am trying to redirect all http traffic to https which is leading to a redirect loop. I am using the following http configuration if ($http_x_forwarded_port != 443) { rewrite…
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1 answer

How to run 2 wordpress blogs using docker on ec2

I just started playing around with Its a great platform for sure. I have an issue i need some help with. I ran a medium instance on ec2 setup docker. Now i want to run 2 wordpress blog independent of each other using on top of…
Hareem Haque
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5 answers

Heroku vs DotCloud vs Duostack vs other cloud/PaaS providers (Rails and non-Rails)?

We have a very simple function (We look something up from a third party database and return an answer. It's literally five lines of code.) We would like to offload this task from our main server because we expect a high volume of traffic for this…
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1 answer

nginx.conf for a restful api

I'm currently developing a RESTful api as a bridge between my ios/web application and their shared database, and content. I found my way to implement RESTful api in PHP on this blog. I started my development on my OVH Apache-based server.…
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2 answers

Error: readv() failed (104: Connection reset by peer) while reading upstream

I have facebook apps with flask with nginx and uwsgi. When it receive POST from facebook, it always has error: readv() failed (104: Connection reset by peer) while reading upstream But when I access my apps directly (with GET method), it ran…
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2 answers

Pushing my code onto DotCloud from

I'm coding on the cloud9ide, which pushes to github. I then host it on dotcloud. I'm trying to see if there's some way I can get my code to deploy onto dotcloud when I push on cloud9ide without doing the extra round of pulling it to my local…
Kit Sunde
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1 answer

Dotcloud: how to load a redis backup file on startup

I can't find a way to have redis load my own dump.rdb backup file on startup, on dotcloud. I can see in the server logs that redis is loading a file, but I don't know where it is (and I can't find it) [144] 03 Jul 21:01:18 * DB loaded from disk: 0…
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2 answers

"Call-time pass-by-reference has been removed"

I'm trying to deploy Wordpress on Dotcloud using this repo but there is an error that appears in the logs: 18:59:19: [www.0] Running postinstall script... 18:59:21: [www.0] PHP Fatal error: Call-time pass-by-reference has been removed in…
Nate Aune
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1 answer

Module (not?) being installed because it is up to date (is it?)

I am trying to deploy to dotcloud. My Makefile.PL points that I require URI 1.60. The development.yml file says that as well. The builder claims that the module is installed. 18:38:39: [www] I am snapshotsworker_02/bob-3, and I will be your builder…
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1 answer

How to fix Redis "memory leak"

I'm using a redis memory store on dotcloud but despite expiring keys its used_memory never drops back down again. Using flushdb or flushall from redis-cli doesn't cause the used_memory to drop from it's ~20Mb. I've had the same problem on…
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1 answer

How to expose a tornado server serving websockets on dotcloud to the www?

I am trying to install the IPython html notebook server on dotCloud. The IPython server uses tornado with websockets (and other internal communications using zeromq on tcp sockets). Hhere's my dotcloud.yml: www: type: custom …
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