Questions tagged [dokka]

7 questions
1 answer

In Kotlin documentation (KDoc), is it possible to link to a specific overloaded method?

Consider the class comment of this Kotlin class: /** * This class has two methods, one that takes one parameters ([foo]), * and another one that takes two parameters ([foo]). **/ class Clazz { /* Foo with one. */ fun foo(a: Int) { } …
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1 answer

Dokka 1.4.20 "Nothing to document"

Dokka 1.4.20 does not generate any documentation and returns the following for all tasks > Task :dokkaJavadoc Dokka 1.4.* is an alpha project Initializing plugins Validity check Creating documentation models Exiting Generation: Nothing to…
Robin GM
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0 answers

How can I generate Javadoc for my Android library with Dokka for both the main and the androidTest source sets?

I am slowly moving my library project from Java to Kotlin. I have a requirement that I also need to provide Javadoc for both the library and the Android instrumentation tests in has. I can't use Javadoc anymore as it dies when it sees a *.kt file.…
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1 answer

How does Gradle find org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-html-jvm:0.7.2?

I have been trying for hours to get dokka to work under gradle, but I cannot find any combination of versions that is able to resolve dependencies. For example ekolotyluk@MacBook-Pro microservices % ./gradlew dokkaHtml > Task :dokkaHtml…
Eric Kolotyluk
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1 answer

How Can I publish the Docs to Github pages after generating it via Dokka (Kotlin)?

I've successfully generated the Kotlin doc using Dokka for Android projects. Now how can I publish to Github Pages.
Manu Ram V
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Linking JS stdlib to generated kdoc

Developing a Kotlin/JS project, we are generating KDoc using Dokka Maven plugin. However standard JS library classes are presented as ERROR CLASS in the generated doc. Example: having function like this: fun HTMLElement.component(label: String,…
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0 answers

Generating doc using dokka of generated code

I am generating code using Annotation processor and able to add java docs comment by using kotlinpoet api addKdoc. But when I am generating javadoc/Kdoc using dokka, these generated codes does not get included in Kdoc. Is there any way to generate…
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