Questions tagged [documentum-dfc]

DFC stands for Documentum Foundation Classes, the API which allows the developers to extend the Documentum software platform functionalities.

24 questions
2 answers

Documentum DQL: How can I get UTC time zone for Date columns to parse to .NET?

Documentum (DQL via DFC) always returns Date result columns as a string formatted like this: Wed Oct 19 16:01:59 PDT 2011 ...and the .NET DateTime.Parse function chokes on this — especially the PDT time zone (TZ henceforth) part of the strings —…
Scott Baker
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3 answers

Inserting data into list of map taking too much time in Java

I have a task to send the automated report daily. So, I'm basically writing the query result set/collection into list of map so that I can write that data to excel. Here, I have the following method that inserts collection data into list of map. The…
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1 answer

How to get the children of Virtual Documents in Documentum

I am trying to get the children of a particular virtual document by using the query below select * from dm_document in document ID('virtual document id') descend with any r_version_label='CURRENT' I am able to get the children for a particular…
1 answer

Documentum error : [DM_STORAGE_E_NOT_ACCESSIBLE]

I am trying to get the content of all the documents (current version) from a documentum source using the following code IDfSysObject document = (IDfSysObject) session.getObject(new DfId(eachFileMetadata.get(some document…
0 answers

Documentum error : [DM_SESSION_E_RPC_ERROR]

I am trying to get the content of all the documents (current version) from a documentum source using the following code IDfSysObject document = (IDfSysObject) session.getObject(new DfId(eachFileMetadata.get(some document…
0 answers


I am trying to get the content of all the documents (current version) from a documentum source using the following code IDfSysObject document = (IDfSysObject) session.getObject(new DfId(eachFileMetadata.get(some document…
0 answers

Documentum error :[DM_STORAGE_E_BAD_TICKET]

I am trying to get the content of all the documents (current version) from a documentum source using the following code IDfSysObject document = (IDfSysObject) session.getObject(new DfId(eachFileMetadata.get(some document…
0 answers

How to get the content of a document in documentum

I am new to documentum,can anyone suggest me how to get the content of a document in documentum. I am using the following code document = (IDfSysObject) session.getObject(new DfId("some document id")); document.getContent(); I am getting the…
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dm_folder_r is not registered or you do not have access to it in documentum

I am a newbie to documentum and i am trying to run the following query: select distinct A.*,A.i_chronicle_id,A.r_full_content_size,B.r_folder_path,B.r_object_id as folder_id from dm_document A, dm_folder_r B where any A.i_folder_id = B.r_object_id…
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1 answer

Error while running documentum code

I am getting an error while running the documentum code at: config.setString("primary_host", docbroker); in the below code: IDfClient client = DfClient.getLocalClient(); // getting the config object of local client IDfTypedObject config =…
0 answers

how to get access control lists for an object in documentum using dql query

I need the access control lists of an object in documentum by running the dql query and also does an object in documentum have only 1 access control list or multiple access control lists please help me I am new to documentum Thanks in advance
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Is there a way to listen to the upload events in the EMC's Documentum via .NET API?

i need to implement a windows service that connects to EMC's Documentum and receives an event every time a document is loaded. The event should contain the reference to the document itself. Is there a way to do it via API or do i have to do…
1 answer

How can I get the number of contents of a dm_document?

I am trying to add a new content to my dm_document with the DFCMethod : myDocument.setContentEx(myByteArrayOutpuStream, myContentExtension, pageNumber) However, when I add this content, I don't know if there are other contents already added to this…
The Once-ler
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1 answer

How do I delete folders recursively using DQL?

I work on an application using Documentum. Let's say I have the following structure : MyCabinetName |->Folder 1 |->Folder 2 |-> Folder 3 I am trying to delete all the folders inside a cabinet. I am running the following DQL query…
The Once-ler
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3 answers

Unable to delete documents in documentum application using DFC

I have written the following code with the approach given in EMC DFC 7.2 Development Guide. With this code, I'm able to delete only 50 documents even though there are more records. Before deletion, I'm taking the dump of object id. I'm not sure if…