Questions tagged [document-class]

39 questions
2 answers

Reference from the DocumentClass a movieclip created by an instance of another class

I have this main (document class) in a Flash project: package { import flash.display.MovieClip; import; public class main extends MovieClip { public function main() { var other=new Other(this); …
0 answers

How do I remove(drop) page number of blank pages between chapters added by two-sided mode?

I want to keep the blank pages that added using two-side mode, however I want drop those pages from numbering. Using \clearpage and \thispagestyle{empty} at end of chapters to force blank pages manually when using one-side mode do not do that…
1 answer

Flash CS, reference root from external class

I made this class and I put it in the same package of (the Document Class): package { import flash.utils.Timer; import; public class Counter2 extends Timer { public function…
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Textpad syntax definition for files without extension

In Textpad, is there a way to assign a syntax definition to files without an extension? The default document class does not appear to allow assignment of a syntax definition file. I want to assign my PHP definition to files without an extension.
1 answer

How can I transfer code inside of a symbol in Flash to my document class?

I am pretty new to coding in general so I'll admit my understanding of inheritance is poor. I have this code that works when it's embedded in a symbol in my Fla doc, but I can't figure out how to transfer it to the Main document.…
1 answer

DoubleClick studio thinks I've imported the Enabler component in both my parent and my child asset files

I've just started to work with DoubleClick Studio. I've successfully created a Flash expanding ad with CS4 that is mostly scripted and uses the Document class option. Now for some reason the back end of DoubleClick Studio thinks I've imported the…
Marijn Huizendveld
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Why are my AS3 class files running code out of order?

I am currently learning to use separate .as files and classes, but after reading a lot everything seems to work different from what I've read. I'm posting this question for the purpose of learning, not just to make the code work. The examples here…
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iTextSharp document close is causing an extra blank page

I am using the PdfPageEventHelper in order to be able to add Header and Footer to each page of my document automatically. As was mentioned in many places I am doing so while overriding the OnEndPage. On my class I am creating: PdfDocument creating…
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AS3 Document class - having to import classes which are directly accessible in Timeline code

I am trying to get started with Document class in AS3 with Flash CS4. There is some existing code in the timeline, but for now I've been trying to write just the new code in the Document class. I have used classes and functions like URLRequest,…
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how to add a external document class to timeline based Flash website

I have made a simply timeline based flash website. There are four buttons, each in a different frame (home , gallery, etc.). frames have actions dependent to each frame (simple stop(), gotoandPlay etc.). I have found a tutorial how to create a…
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How do I create rollover events in actionscript 3.0 in the DOCUMENT CLASS, not the timeline

I have an animation that I want to function as button and I want it to play the animation when there is a rollover event. I have no clue how to do this. So far I have this: package { import flash.display.MovieClip; import…
1 answer

As3 Errors 1046 type not found if I specify a document class

In my as3 code using Flash cs3, everything works fine without any document class. I can use event handlers and they work. But, once I attach a document class, I start to get this error: 1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant:…
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Flash not recognizing Actionscript file

EDIT: In addition to Nambew's answer, make sure that the default program which opens .as files is set to Flash rather than anything else (my default program was set to Dreamweaver which might've also been causing problems as well. I am using flash…
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accessing an instance reference to the document class from the stage's timeline

Is there a way to get an instance reference to the document class to call a method of it from the stage's timeline? I see that here's a possible solution: using a singleton Other solution I though of is using stage.getChildAt( 0 ) but it's not very…
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1 answer

ActionScript 3.0 Document class getting stage as null

My Document class is not extending to movie clip class. It is getting stage reference as null. Please help me to get me out of this. Thanks in advance. Code for Document Class: package { import com.andreanaya.areacontrol.Container; import…