Questions tagged [dnspy]

A debugger and .NET assembly editor. It can be used to edit and debug assemblies even if no source code available is available.

19 questions
1 answer

dnSpy showing strange disassembly code for async methods

I am trying to disassemble my .NET core 3.1 binary using the latest build of dnSpy but am getting output like this: The original method: public async Task> CalculatePackagesDeltaAsync(List firmwarePackages) { …
Colton Scottie
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0 answers

dnSpy showing empty methods

I have a decompiled .dll files which I have decompiled from a file. I have opened those files with dnSpy and all the methods are empty. Is there any way of combining the dlls with the method's content from the libil2cpp? (I know I can…
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1 answer

Dnspy compilation error without editing the code

The 'ConnectionState' exists in both 'System.Data.Common, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' and 'System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 bool flag2 = this.sqlite_conn.State !=…
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3 answers

Duplicated yield break in Enumerable

I am learning linq throught decompiling the System.Core.dll (4.7.3429.0) by dnSpy and see duplicated 'yield break;' in several cases, like this one private static IEnumerable CastIterator(IEnumerable source) { foreach…
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0 answers

Start DnSpy and immediately attach to process

I'd like to use DnSpy as a debugger with my homegrown C# IDE. I'd like to be able to start DnSpy programmatically from my IDE and automatically attach it to the process that executes the compiled user code. A quick look at StartUpClass class seems…
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rename assembly uncode hex encoded names using dnspy like \uE000

How can I rename every single unicode variable name ? Its hard to analyse, and also build. It raises a lot errors. I know, I can change their name via edit property, but its really hard to change names in bulk manually. Please view images: So is…
0 answers

Using DLLImport with dnlib

I have a C# project that I want to modify with dnlib. Modifying it with dnspy, I can add the code in just fine. However, I was not able to find a way to add the DLLImport in with dnlib, and all searches came up dry. How can I pull this off? Can it…
0 answers

How can dnSpy tampered assembly and still able to keep public token?

I'm using dnSpy ( to edit a strong-named assembly. From my understanding, strong-named assembly should be tampered-proof. But somehow after editing the assembly with dnSpy and save it, I checked the tampered assembly…
0 answers

dnDpy find variable or scope by its value

I am having an issue with a .NET application consisting of many dozens of assemblies and and high general complexity. While dnSpy allows me to review the code, finding the code region causing the issue is surprisingly hard and I cannot step through…
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How to Suppress JIT optimization in .NET Core

I can't find a way to suppress JIT optimization in a .NET Core 2.2 process. This prevents me from attaching with a debugger in production and seeing all local variables. In .NET Framework I could add an INI file with the same name as the DLL I…
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1 answer

Match Domains to DNS Resolver Name - Python

I am still new to Python, and have been working on this for work, and a few side projects with it for automating my Plex Media Management tasks. I am trying to write a python script that would allow me to take a set list of domains from a csv file,…
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"has Stopped working" message after IL Assembly editing

I am using "dnSpy" application to read and change .net assembly exe module, I chose "Edit IL Instructions..." like that Then I change "brtrue" to "brfalse" as this picture Then I saved a module like that Then I run NGRN like that Now When I…
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1 answer

Dotpeek or dnSpy filter for .NET Core Assemblage

I am working in the context of a .NET Core application, windows service, and I have a compiler error telling me I've got a type that has moved assemblies. I cannot find said type and I have gone all over looking for it. So far, I have tried using a…
Evan Ricard
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1 answer

Dnspy can't compile MySql.Data

I have deobfuscated an executable file with de4dot and Dnspy. I can change and compile most of the classes but, I can't change and compile the ones that has MySql methods in it. It gives me an error: type or namespace name 'MySql' could not be found…
Tamer Y.
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1 answer

DLL recompile with dnSpy - agnostic assembly cannot have a processor specific module System.EnterpriseServices.Wrapper.dll

I'm trying to add debugging flags on a DLL using dnSpy, but I keep getting the following error: agnostic assembly cannot have a processor specific module System.EnterpriseServices.Wrapper.dll This does not happen only on a particular DLL I try to…
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