Questions tagged [dll-reference]

58 questions
4 answers

How to add a .dll reference to a project in Visual Studio

I am just beginning to use the MailSystem.NET library. However, I cannot figure out where to add the .dll files so I can reference the namespaces in my classes. Can someone please help me? I am using Visual Studio 2010. Thank you for any…
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Visual Studio persists on using UnitTestFramework

I've got a solution with several projects in it. One of the projects includes additional Assert methods for unit testing. It references Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.UnitTestFramework It also includes other test projects, which…
Steven Jeuris
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2 answers

Why is this NuGet dependency missing when compiling .NET Framework project depending on .NET Standard?

I have a Visual Studio solution, with 3 projects. The top level is a .NET Framework 4.6.1 Console App (Project A). It depends on a .NET Framework 4.6.1 Class Library (Project B). Project B depends on a .NET Standard 2.0 Class Library (Project C). I…
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1 answer

Wininet InternetGetCookie gets empty cookie data

I'm currently working on getting cookie data with Csharp. I'm using DLLImport to invoke InternetGetCookie in wininet.dll, but when i try it the functions returns an ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER (error code 122). Can any one help me with this ? This is…
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3 answers

Find all references of a dll in a project

In Visual Studio 2010 (or 2012) is there a way to locate all references in code that mention any class/method defined in a referenced dll. Currently I have two processes that I use (depending on the situation): The first one involves just deleting…
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Difference between project and dll dependencies in .Net in the final compiled assembly

Lets say I have two projects A and B. A depends on B. I can specify this in two ways: Include A and B in the same solution and specify B as a project dependency for A. This shows up in A's msbuild project as a "ProjectReference" node. Include a…
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How do I know which Platform Extensions do I need for .NET Standard?

I ran the .NET Portability Analyzer against a class library that I want to use from my own .NET Standard class library. The class I want to use has a dependency on .NET framework. The compatibility results were 91% for .NET Standard and 100% for…
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What does adding a reference to csproj file do?

Would it be accurate to say that a given DLL contains a bunch of namespaces (With classes, constants, functions etc. in each), and that referencing the dll in a csproj allows using them in .cs files belonging to that project? I tried searching the…
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Error on add reference to SQLite.Interop.dll

I'm needing read some cookies of a specific site and I found a code on internet that probably can help me. This code uses some methods specifics of SQLite and for make this is necessary add references to some SQLite dlls, but the trouble is, when I…
2 answers

How should I determine which are the references that has to be "copied locally"?

Many similar posts but this is not a duplicate I believe. When I add references in visual studio, some dlls are copied locally while some not. I understand that the external dlls I get from elsewhere should have a local reference, but then I…
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1 answer

What is the syntax used to wrap multiple DLLs with "bin" in project.json

I have an ASP.Net 5 (vNext) solution that needs to reference many locally created DLLs. I have attempted different versions of the syntax in project.json to indicate the dlls. My attempts have either ended in syntax errors or (the most promising…
SOHO Developer
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Cannot reference assembly in Monodevelop

I am using F# 4.1 with Monodevelop on Linux Mint 18 and for some reason I no longer can use the #r directive to reference a dll. No matter where I install/store the package and the permissions, I just get "... (file may be locked by F# Interactive…
Sasha Babaei
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2 answers

How to define working directories for DLL dependencies in Visual Studio / C#

I've got an executeable file, which I run for example from C:. The executable references some DLLs from another directory, let's say C:\MyDLLs. The problem is, that these referenced DLLs again depend on other DLLs, which are stored in another…
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1 answer

How expensive is a DLL reference?

Either local or global (GAC / .NET) DLL references, how expensive they are? For sure we should never reference things we don't use, but for curiosity I ask: Would it be a big performance concern referencing the whole .NET framework? A similar more…
Martin Braun
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1 answer

Difference between Reference, Template, and a NuGet package?

What is the difference between a NuGet package, a Reference (is reference similar to a tool?), and a template in Visual Studio? Why do we need them? What is done / changed in our project when we install each one of them? Are they dependent on each…
Anubhav Dhawan
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