Questions tagged [distributed-database]

Anything related to distributed databases and the techniques and the tools used to manage them. A distributed database is a database whose information is not stored in a single physical location, but it is spread over various devices, often placed far apart.

Anything related to distributed databases and the techniques and the tools used to manage them. A distributed database is a database whose information is not stored in a single physical location, but it is spread over various devices, often placed far apart.

165 questions
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Distributed Transaction vs Message Queue

I am trying to implement distributed transactions in my current application which are working fine currently with MSDTC, the only problem is that MSDTC is only supported in windows. The alternative suggested at many places was to ditch the DTC and…
3 answers

What would you recommend to read to a person who is going to write his own DB?

Since there are no answers to my previous question. I'm really thinking to implement a custom DB which will satisfy my requirements. Yes I know, sounds crazy. But what books, articles and etc. would you recommend to read? If it does matter the…
0 answers

how would it be a entity relationship model example being distributed databases

I have tried looking for a entity relationship model using the schema of distributed database but I found diagrams as it: or I found entity relationship models but they are not using the schema of distributed database like this... I did next…
2 answers

Foreign key between two databases

I went through the previous answers to create a pseudo-foreign key to reference tables between two databases in Netbeans 8.1. This is the code I came up with, DELIMITER // CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER conf_track_FK AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE on…
1 answer

Dynamically partitioning a table from main to remote mySQL server

I have a table in my DB which I need to partitionate based on a foreign key attribute. So the number of partitioned tables is the same as the number of different values present for the foreign key. EDIT: I have replication setp up, where a table in…
1 answer

mysql distributed primary key

I have different tables that need to share a pool of primary keys. E.g. table A has primary keys 0 to 9, table B has primary keys 10 to 19. Is there a way to tell mysql where to draw the primary key from? Like a stored procedure? It would be…
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Configure hadoop/hbase in fully-distributed mode

I'm new in Hbase and I need to do some experiments with it in fully distributed mode. I am using ubuntu. I want create a cluster with two nodes (a master and a slave) and according to what I read, HBase runs under a Hadoop Distributed File System…
Pedro Cunha
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what's the difference between mysql master/slave mode and master/master mode?

It's easy to understand that master-slave mode, for example, firstly, inserting a row means that binlog will be copied to slave's machine, and secondly, ack will tell master to write the data into master's machine. But what's master/master mode do?
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How to change connectionsPerHost and threadsAllowedToBlockForConnectionMultiplier configuration in mongdb through mongo shell?

I need to change threadsAllowedToBlockForConnectionMultiplier and connectionsPerHost values in mongodb from their default value through mongo shell instead of a program. How can I go about it?
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1 answer

how to set up an horizantal Partiting Distributed database Enviroment between two servers

suppose that i have a database for employees and i want to distribute the queres on two different servers at differnt location , let's say location a & location b . I'm wondering how to distribute a table into two servers interconnected by network…
0 answers

Distributed Configuration Problems with OrientDB: Failures, Exceptions and no Replication

I've tried to configure distributed db's with replication mechanism in OrientDB. I used the tutorial: ( One DB is on my local host: and the…
1 answer

Distributed Mutual Exclusion: Coterie Formation

I have been studying distributed mutual exclusion algorithms based on the concept of Quorums. Quoting: A Coterie C is defined as a set of sets, where each set g ∈ C is called a quorum. The following properties hold for quorums in a coterie: 1)…
1 answer

Making backup from database to another server

I have a host on a server and that contains an SQL Server Database. I have another server in another country and i want have a backup from the database every 5 minutes or after each transaction only insert new row to another database. After some…
Saman Gholami
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1 answer

Who do large key-value stores scale better horizontally than document databases?

In this presentation there was a chart that showed the following horizontal scalability ceiling as data gets larger: key-value > column family > document database > graph database In other words, as data gets…
0 answers

Fault Tolerant Write-only Highly Distributed Database

Scenario: I have a database that accepts writes from a set of geographically distributed clients over unreliable links. The clients just do write operations, and possible reads on the data of their own last 2 to 3 write operations. Older data is…
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