Questions tagged [disk-access]

Disk access is where a program reads or writes directly to a storage media. Use with the language tag you're trying to perform the access with.

48 questions
3 answers

Does a varchar field's declared size have any impact in PostgreSQL?

Is VARCHAR(100) any better than VARCHAR(500) from a performance point of view? What about disk usage? Talking about PostgreSQL today, not some database some time in history.
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6 answers

Any solution for Android Studio slow gradle build and high disk usage?

My 4GB RAM, Intel Core i5 system came down down to its knees with high disk and RAM usage by Android Studio(I can see it in the task manager, nothing else is using the RAM and disk). The gradle build takes about 10-15 mins for a simple project. Is…
Chandra Eskay
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1 answer

How can I determine the current ephemeral-storage usage of a running Kubernetes pod?

How can I tell with kubectl how much ephemeral storage a pod is currently using? In a Kubernetes pod spec, I can specify resource requests and limits for CPU, memory, and ephemeral storage: resources: requests: memory: "60Mi" cpu: "70m" …
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How would I check how busy the HDD is with PHP?

I've noticed that some cloud hosting solutions have really poor Disk IO. This causes a few problems that could be solved by having the script wait until the disk was less busy. With PHP is it possible to monitor the busy (or not so busy) state of…
1 answer

Detect block size for quota in Linux

The limit placed on disk quota in Linux is counted in blocks. However, I found no reliable way to determine the block size. Tutorials I found refer to block size as 512 bytes, and sometimes as 1024 bytes. I got confused reading a post on…
Chen Levy
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6 answers

Simultaneous Or Sequential writes-- Does it matter in terms of speed?

Simultaneous Or Sequential write operation-- Does it matter in terms of speed? With multicore processor, does it make sense to parallelize all the file write operation using multi thread, just to get a boost of speed? Of course, all those write…
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1 answer

Apache Kafka: reduce kafka disk usage

I have a question about Kafka's disk. Kafka will fail when its disk become full. So I want to reduce the disk usage to less than x% by discarding the old data stored on the Kafka disk (or discarding a copy of the data) when the Kafka disk usage…
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1 answer

SQLite: will it write to disk when updating same data?

A client application receives a table from server and stores it in local SQLite database. The table is sent frequently but changes rarely, so most updates insert into local database data that is already there. Will SQLite do disk writes after such…
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2 answers

Why du command show different total in folder versus in parent

I can't understand why I have different total size in a folder versus in parent. That's my folder tree bkp |-- raid10 | |-- folder_a | |-- folder_b | |-- folder_c | |-- folder_d | |-- folder_e | |-- folder_f | |-- folder_g…
William Perron
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2 answers

Use awk to display devices with disk usage above 10%, and print the column headings as well

The below command displays devices with file system usage above 10%. However it is not displaying the column headings. This is the command I use: df -Ph | awk '+$5 >= 10 {print}' I want output like this Filesystem Size Used…
1 answer

NSURLCache : says its caching, isnt, and no change in memory stats

I am attempting to confirm URL caching by logging the memory stats around a NSURLCache. I have extended the base NSURLCache as follows: @implementation MarksCache : NSURLCache - (NSCachedURLResponse *) cachedResponseForRequest:(NSURLRequest…
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1 answer

Getting number of disk accesses from BufferedStream

I'm reading a binary file using BinaryReader. I want to count the number of disk accesses when buffering input with BufferedStream. Unfortunately this class is sealed, so I can't override method to count it manually. Is there any way of doing it…
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2 answers

app on ipad double archive size

Hi guys I have a media heavy app for the iPad and my archive is ~370mb. For what I'm doing, that isn't unreasonable. If i view the xcarchive in finder it is ~391MB, the .ipa is ~388mb, which roughly corresponds to the size of all my assets…
3 answers

Best to use: mysql column or file check to detect image?

I always have a dilema: For a record, I can use column images (tinyint) that is true if there is image for that record or false if there is not. I can also not put that information in the database and in my code I "snoop" with disk filesystem check…
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1 answer

Bytes returned by "disk_usage" from the shutil library doesn't match the directory file size

I was reading the official documentation of shutil from the Python website, then I ran a disk_usage test, but it isn't returning what I was expecting, Inside that directory (folder) there's a single file of 669 kb. This is the code: import…
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