Questions tagged [direct3d11]

Direct3D is part of Microsoft's DirectX application programming interface (API), which performs 3d graphics rendering in games, simulations etc. Direct3d11 is the 11th version of DirectX API released with DirectX 11 as a part of Windows 7. It provides additional features such as Tessellation, Multithreaded rendering and Compute shaders

Direct3D is part of Microsoft's DirectX application programming interface (API), which performs 3d graphics rendering in games, simulations etc. Direct3d11 is the 11th version of DirectX API released with DirectX 11.

Direct3D is used to render three dimensional graphics in applications where performance is important, such as games. Direct3D also allows applications to run fullscreen instead of embedded in a window, though they can still run in a window if programmed for that feature. Direct3D uses hardware acceleration if it is available on the graphics card, allowing for hardware acceleration of the entire 3D rendering pipeline or even only partial acceleration. Direct3D exposes the advanced graphics capabilities of 3D graphics hardware, including z-buffering, anti-aliasing, alpha blending, mipmapping, atmospheric effects, and perspective-correct texture mapping. Integration with other DirectX technologies enables Direct3D to deliver such features as video mapping, hardware 3D rendering in 2D overlay planes, and even sprites, providing the use of 2D and 3D graphics in interactive media titles.

Direct3d11 is the 11th version of DirectX API released with DirectX 11 as a part of Windows 7. It provides additional features such as Tessellation, Multithreaded rendering and Compute shaders

345 questions
1 answer

New to Direct3D programming: 11 vs 12

For a newbie in D3D programming, should one just learn D3D12 directly or is D3D11 necessary before diving into D3D12? Assuming starting from scratch and decent knowledge of C++, which way should I go?
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Fullscreen mode on monitor A in dual-monitor setup breaks when moving windows from monitor B onto it

I am building a Win7/8/10 x64 Direct3D11 desktop application that allows the user to switch between windowed and fullscreen mode (proper dedicated fullscreen mode, not just a maximized window*). On a dual-monitor setup I am encountering some…
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Freeing resources in D language

When using Direct3D in c++ I can write a "Cube" class for example, that contains a "ID3D11Buffer* vertexBuffer_" and ensure that the destructor for that Cube object calls vertexBuffer_->Release(). I can have a "Scene" class containing a "unique_ptr…
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Changing a single state setting in D3D11

It would seem that D3D11's api is a bit clunky, or I'm not using it right. Is it true that this is the minimum set of steps to change a single rasterizer state in D3D11 (I'm using change to wireframe mode rendering as an example) // variables to…
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3 answers

d3dx11.lib not found?

I'm using Windows 8 / Visual Studio 2012, C++11 and Direct3D 11 for development. I include the Direct3D libraries like this #pragma comment(lib, "dxgi.lib") #pragma comment(lib, "d3d11.lib") #pragma comment(lib, "d3dx11.lib") // <-- error LNK1104:…
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Matrices causing crash

I have an odd problem with my Direct3D11 application that I'm trying to resolve for few hours already. The problem is that method: void CameraClass::Render() { XMFLOAT3 sUp, sLookAt, sRotationInRadians; sUp.x = 0.0f; sUp.y = 1.0f; …
1 answer

read pixel data from render target in d3d11

I set a texture2d as a device render target. After draw, how can i read and write pixels from render target directly , and present it then.
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2 answers

What does a pixel shader actually do?

I'm relatively new to graphics programming, and I've just been reading some books and have been scanning through tutorials, so please pardon me if this seems a silly question. I've got the basics of directx11 up and running, and now i'm looking to…
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DirectX 11: simultaneous use of multiple adaptors

We need to drive 8 to 12 monitors from one pc, all rendering different views of a single 3d scenegraph, so have to use several graphics cards. We're currently running on dx9, so are looking to move to dx11 to hopefully make this easier. Initial…
Jason Williams
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2 answers

Visual Studio Graphics Debugger omits working pixel shader

I'm programming in C#, Visual Studio 2013 Update 5 RC, and using Direct3D 11 (via SlimDX) to render an animated scene. I was experimenting with unordered access textures in the pixel shader and it works nicely. I.e., my pixel shader has an…
1 answer

How can I draw a transparent 3D object with the SharpDX Toolkit?

I'm working on an application that uses SharpDX and the SharpDX Toolkit to draw simple 3D shapes, and the Geometrics.Desktop sample was very helpful in getting started. Now I'm trying to make some shapes transparent, and to keep things simple I'm…
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How to copy an array in HLSL?

In HLSL I have two arrays: int arr1[2]; int arr2[2]; I need to copy contents of arr1 to arr2. Should I iterate through every element? arr2[0] = arr1[0]; arr2[1] = arr1[1]; Is there any specific HLSL tool (like memcpy() in C/C++)? Or could I…
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Get amount of graphics memory

I know about DXGI_ADAPTER_DESC, but in 32-bit builds Direct3D’s SIZE_T type is 4 bytes long, so I’m getting 3GB instead of 11. Is there a way to get the correct value even in a 32 bit build? P.S. I need the value to calculate upper size for a large…
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How to access framebuffer from CPU in Direct3D 11?

I am creating a simple framework for teaching fundamental graphics concepts under C++/D3D11. The framework is required to enable direct manipulation of the screen raster contents via a simple interface function (e.g. Putpixel( x,y,r,g,b )). Under…
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CreateComputeShader returns E_INVALIDARG when using doubles

I need double precision for some GPGPU calculations using DirectCompute. When I make everything a float, the shader compiles and runs just fine. However, when I try to use doubles anywhere in my shader, it will compile, but calling…
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