Questions tagged [dhtmlx]

DHTMLX, or dhtmlxSuite, is a JavaScript UI library that provides essential functionality for building cross-browser, Ajax-based user interfaces. Develop impressive web applications faster with a set of ready-to-use UI components. There are more DHTMLX products available - dhtmlxScheduler, dhtmlxGantt, and dhtmlxVault.

DHTMLX, or dhtmlxSuite, is a JavaScript UI library that provides essential functionality for building cross-browser, Ajax-based user interfaces. Develop impressive web applications faster with a set of ready-to-use UI components.

The library provides you with collections of user interface components, allowing you to create robust web interfaces, manage client-server communications with Ajax, and implement server-side logic. With these components, you can build rich web apps with clean interface, fast performance, and incredible user experience! You can download the UI components individually or as a suite.

Major dhtmlxSuite components

Among most powerful UI components, you can find grid (DataTable), tree, treegrid, menu, windows, layout, form, calendar (date picker), charts, lists, dataview and many other components and controls.

You may find a full list of UI components and download them separately here.

Info and learning resources

Download Standard or PRO Edition of the library:

Demo applications made with dhtmlxSuite:

Documentation that includes detailed guides and technical samples:

Other DHTMLX products

There is a set of other (independent from dhtmlxSuite) DHTMLX products: dhtmlxScheduler, dhtmlxGantt, and dhtmlxVault.


It's a full-featured JavaScript Event Calendar that allows you to add a Google-like web calendar to your application. The library is highly customizable and has rich JavaScript API, i.e. you can modify it according to your needs: create custom views, change appearance, date formats and much more.

Learn about dhtmlxScheduler and download it here:

Related tag on Stackoverflow - dhtmlx-scheduler


It's an editable JavaScript Gantt chart component with wide range of features that are essential for any project management application. The key advantages of dhtmlx Gantt chart library are fast performance, flexible JavaScript API and simple integration with server side and other libraries and frameworks.

Learn about dhtmlxGantt and download it here:


It's a JavaScript File Uploader that allows you to upload and download files in your application or website. This UI component is mainly used with dhtmlxSuite.

Learn about dhtmlxVault and download it here:

About Dinamenta UAB

Since 2005 the team has been working on making the Web better. Following the standards and practices of modern web development, they deliver top quality web application frameworks customized for both desktop and mobile devices for 10 years already. Having started with the single components - Grid and Tree - they are now ready to provide the full JavaScript Library. Besides, they developed JavaScript Gantt Chart and JavaScript Event Calendar to enrich the functionality of your applications. Many of Fortune 500 companies are using DHTMLX and rely on its quality and effectiveness.

Visit the website to get more information

575 questions
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reCAPTCHA 2.0 not appearing in Safari (works in Edge, Chrome, and Firefox)

I just integrated the Google reCAPTCHA 2.0 into my site. It works as expected in Chrome, Firefox, and Edge, but it doesn't work / appear in Safari on my MacBook Pro. MacBook Pro: macOS Sierra version 10.12.2. Safari: Version 10.0.2…
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Calling JSON.stringify error for complex object in Safari

As stated this happens in Safari while in Chrome and Firefox it's working fine. I think it's because the object that's turned into json has two properties that contain a moment object. I changed them to date object and the stringify function…
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Prompt user to save file through AJAX call

I'm exporting my DHTMLX grid to csv and have successfully been able to create the .CSV file. The problem I'm having is that it isn't prompting the user to save/open the file. I'm using a $.post call from javascript to send the CSV string to PHP,…
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JavaScript frameworks comparison : ExtJS, JQWidgets, DHTMLX

I will develop a commercial web application based on PHP and MySQL database. Now, I'm guessing about the JavaScript framework. I find several interesting frameworks like ExtJS, JQWidgets or DHTMLX. Some of their components can be tested…
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Javascript SetTimeOut on click doesn't respect the time delay after 2-3 clicks

I am writing a code in javascript dhtmlx. I have an onclick event on a grid. When i click the grid a window shows up which i want to be gone after 4 sec. i tried the setTimeOut but after 2-3 consecutive clicks it messes up with the time and hides…
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DHTMLX and Angular.js integration

How can I use Dhtmlx inside an Angular.js application? Dhtmlx has a lot of components ready to use, but I would like to have also the benefits of Angular.js. Is it possible to utilize the Dhtmlx components inside Angular.js pages? If so, how? Can…
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DHTMLX vs EJS Treegrid vs ExtJS Treegrid

For my project I have a requirement where I have to implemented a complex grid structure. The grid will have some rows with value/sub-value hierarchy which have to be shown like tree structure. I did a POC with SlickGrid but found the grid to be not…
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React: UI not painted correctly with dhtmlx-gantt library when applied with filters

I am using React with dhtmlx-gantt library to create gantt chart. I met with issue when using the filter function together with useEffect/useLayoutEffect lifecycle. The gist of it is that the browser is not painting/rendering the correct UI on the…
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Add timeline event on DHtmlX scheduler in angularjs

I have injected DHtmlX scheduler in my angularjs app with the help of this link. I have followed all the steps of the above link and it's working. Now, I am trying to add timeline event in angular DHtmlX scheduler. But I am not getting the way how…
Neeraj Rathod
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How to make dhtmlx layout responsive?

My Problem: I use Bootstrap and DHTMLX to build a web application , the application has a home page, sidebar and different other pages in which I use DHTMLX to build layout, grids and I use other DHTMLX components. I managed to make my home page…
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How to add custom column in DHTMLX grid version 6

function BindDataToGrid() { var grid = new dhx.Grid("grid_container", { columns: [ { width: 150, id: "ProductCode", header: [{ text: "Product Code" }] }, …
AJ Styles
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dhtmlx inside angular2 component

I want to use the dhtmlx onEmptyClick event in my Angular2 component, inside which I want to call my component’s function called changewall(), but getting an error: this.changeWall is not a function If I put changewall() outside…
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how to align combo box in a flexbox grid

I am finding it hard to align the DHTMLX Combo inside a very simple FlexBox grid. It seems to extend the width allocated to it. Fiddle here. I.e. given the following HTML:
Marcus Junius Brutus
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dhtmlxGrid How to select the value for sorting?

I've been playing with the filtering and sorting in dhtmlxGrid ( and I have a question: Can we sort the column with the employees' names by the last names without…
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Selenium dhtmlxtree NoSuchElementException in Chrome Java

I could reach all elements by driver.findElement() function. Tree elements were created using dhtmlx library and when I try to reach them I get NoSuchElementException. I tried to reach by id, xpath, class, text, etc. but none of them worked for me.…
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