Questions tagged [device-detection]

Device detection is the process of deducing information, such as usable screen width and browser type, about a client device. For web services, device detection is typically performed by way of User-Agent string matching, as a way of tailoring content to different types of devices.

103 questions
9 answers

Determine if the device is a smartphone or tablet?

I would like to get info about a device to see if it's a smartphone or tablet. How can I do it? I would like to show different web pages from resources based on the type of device: String s="Debug-infos:"; s += "\n OS Version: " +…
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15 answers

How do detect Android Tablets in general. Useragent?

I have looked everywhere. We are using a Motorola Zoom to try our tablet site testing. The issue is that the Android Useragent is a general Useragent and there is no difference between tablet Android and mobile Android. I don't want to just target…
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7 answers

How to detect which device view you're on using Twitter Bootstrap API?

I have just started to play around with Twitter Bootstrap API for a project I have coming up. The main nav contains 3 main elements: site nav social links nav search the site form I am using the collapse plugin to collapse the site nav and search…
James Howell
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8 answers

How to detect device is Android phone or Android tablet?

I have two apps for Android tablets and Android phones. For tablet app I set android:minSdkVersion="11". But nowadays Android phones like Galaxy S3 has Android version 4.0.4 so S3 users can download my tablet app from Google Play Store. I want to…
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4 answers

Using Modernizr to test for tablet and mobile - Opinions wanted

I want to use Modernizr to detect whether a user is view a site on a desktop, tablet or mobile device. My initial first thoughts are obviously to check screen sizes that should be enough for mobile devices and also for larger desktops. For tablet…
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2 answers

What are best practices for detecting pixel ratio/density?

I am currently using JavaScript for mobile device detection on my website, this then allows me to serve different content for mobile or desktop users. Currently I use window.devicePixelRatio and screen.width to work out if the user if on a mobile…
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6 answers

Best Open Source WURFL alternative

I am looking to do some device detection in PHP and I am looking into a few options. The one that looks the best right now is WURFL But I am very leery of it because of its non open source license. I am also wondering…
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4 answers

Detect mobile devices - and tablet devices

I am currently looking at some code for PHP detection of mobiles, which is probably quite easy. Now I just have got one problem - I want to make it possible to make unique view-files in my MVC-framework for tablets, mobiles and web pages. So I need…
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11 answers

Detect model of iOS device using Javascript or HTML?

So I'm serving H.264 .mp4 video on my website. I'm using open source HTML5 video player Some visitors are viewing from Safari for iPhone. The iPhone 4 supports video playback only up to 720p, so if I make my videos…
2 answers

Device detection if is android?

I have an meteor app that is deployed for both ios and android device and i want certain code to run on only ios device and not on android. I know that I can detect device using navigator.userAgent but this will only work if i have my app running on…
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6 answers

How to detect the device on React SSR App with Next.js?

on a web application I want to display two different Menu, one for the Mobile, one for the Desktop browser. I use Next.js application with server-side rendering and the library react-device-detect. Here is the CodeSandox link. import Link from…
Benjamin Sx
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1 answer

Meteor device detection android or ios?

I have an meteor app that is deployed for both ios and android device and i want certain code to run on only ios device and not on android. I know that I can detect device using meteor device-detection package like Meteor.Device.isPhone() But is…
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5 answers

Detect screen size and pixel density on the server-side?

I've been doing some research and I think I know the answer already, but I'm wondering if there's any means by which you can get a device's screen size and pixel density without the use of javascript or relying on CSS3 media queries. Essentially,…
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2 answers

Php mobile/tablet/desktop detect?

How to detect with php, if the user use a desktop, mobile or a tablet?
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4 answers

Detect phone/tablet/web client using javascript

I am trying to detect if the end user is on a phone, a tablet or a pc I have been Googling for a while, apparently there are no easy solution. Well I guess I should not use Resolution, since nowadays some tablets have amazing resolutions. I should…
Matthew Yang
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