Questions tagged [development-environment]

A development environment is an integrated set of programming tools, usually centered around a text editor.

A development environment extends a text editor by providing built-in hooks for debugging, version control, unit testing, API referencing, and datasource connections.

2345 questions
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Program does not stop

I'm trying to create a guessing game where you can play as many times as you want before exiting. The issue I'm having currently is this program does not stop. If you put the correct answer it will just keep saying "Match" for days on end. Same if…
2 answers

Is it possible to run completely built wordpress site locally for development?

I have a completely live eCommerce WordPress website, I want to run the code locally so that I can debug the code. If it's not possible, is there any other best approach in this case? I want to make development easier. Right now after every code…
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Eclipse (C++), is there a way to forbid editing files with specific ending?

Context: We are working with a custom file ending. Those files get parsed to .cpp and .hpp before compilation. I always find myself editing the .cpp files that are overwritten later on. Is there a way to stop or warn me when doing this? In PyCharm,…
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Basic Questions On Managing Users And Permissions in Sharepoint with C#

I want to develop an application that will manage users and permissions on Sharepoint. I don't want to add apps or parts to Sharepoint, just manage users and permissions. Here are my questions: If I just want to manage users and permissions, can…
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No supported devices connected(Flutter/android emulator)

i tried youtube, researching using google, and even read a few threads on here but i didnt find anything which could help im using a windows 10 operating system , ive used flutter on android studio and everything works fine, i enrolled in a course…
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Why does activating conda environment work in command prompt but not in the terminal in Atom or VS Code (windows)?

I downloaded and installed anaconda, and I am able to create an environment and activate it within the normal windows command prompt. However, when I try to activate it within the terminal in Atom or VS Code (using windows computer), nothing…
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Speech To Text enhancement

This question might sound dummy for you guys, i'm just copy pasting my pain from my end users to you. I have developed an app for a company which will let users perform search for certain items in a database. The app allows for speaking as an input…
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how to install .net framework 4.0 on win 10

when I open project through Visual Studio 2010,it shows that I need .net framework 4.0 : But when I install .net framework 4.0,shows it is already installed : *translation above: Microsoft .NET Framework 4 is already included in this…
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How do I serve Rails development environment assets over local network?

I have a Rails 5 application I am running in development mode (RAILS_ENV=development). The Rails server was started with bundle exec rails s -b -p 3002. Computers on the same network (subnet) as me can access my Rails application by IP in a…
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How to get docker containers from different projects speaking to each other

I have developed and dockerised two applications web (react) and api (laravel, mysql), they have separate codebases and separate directories. Could somebody please help explain how I can get my web application talking to my api whilst using docker…
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Angular: How can I break a circular dependency with HttpClient and an interceptor

I have an Angular application that has a circular dependency between 3 different types. I have built an interceptor that uses something called AuthorizationService so that if the user is authorized a bearer token is automatically added as part of a…
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What software would you recommend for making a simple list-creating app for iOS and Android?

So, my aunt wants me to make an app to help people create lists and be more organized. It would also have pre-made lists and tips that occasionally appear. We both want it to be for iOS and Android. Does anyone have recommendations for what software…
Collin Vesel
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Is there any way to build just changed code in msbuild

I have an scenario that I have to build my project and copy generated dll to another path.Because In our company every one builds his project and copy his dll to another path and IIS run all dll together as a single web application(we copy our dll…
Amirhossein Yari
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Eclipse: change JDK for all projects in Workspace

I have received a whole bunch of Eclipse Projects as a ZIP-File. I imported all of them into my new Workspace dedicated for this Task. They are all preconfigured from the other Dev's Workspace. In general I don't mind, so i do not have to setup…
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How to redeploy WAR inside a JBoss WildFly container?

I am trying to make my local Java development environment more lighter. Dockerfile multi-stage steps looks like this: MAVEN CONTAINER build app from source code WILDFLY CONTAINER prepare server (data sources, drivers) copy WAR from MAVEN …
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