Questions tagged [development-environment]

A development environment is an integrated set of programming tools, usually centered around a text editor.

A development environment extends a text editor by providing built-in hooks for debugging, version control, unit testing, API referencing, and datasource connections.

2345 questions
10 answers

Java project structure explained for newbies?

I come from a .NET background and am completely new to Java and am trying to get my head around the Java project structure. My typical .NET solution structure contains projects that denote logically distinct components, usually named using the…
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1 answer

Maven or Ivy? Which one is better with a system already in production? And the other differences?

I know that this is a complicated question, but I would like know which one is better in the case of a system that it's already in production, with a lot of bugs and really bad design at all. A really mess. Actually, I'm asking this because I'm…
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10 answers

How to test 500.html error page in django development env?

I am using Django for a project and is already in production. In the production environment 500.html is rendered whenever a server error occurs. How do I test the rendering of 500.html in dev environment? Or how do I render 500.html in dev, if I…
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13 answers

Is the Windows dev environment worth the cost?

I recently made the move from Linux development to Windows development. And as much of a Linux enthusiast that I am, I have to say - C# is a beautiful language, Visual Studio is terrific, and now that I've bought myself a trackball my wrist has…
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4 answers

Sublime Text 2: custom PATH and PYTHONPATH

I'm using brew which installs python (2.7.2) in /usr/local/bin/ However, the default system python (2.7.1) is executed instead at /usr/bin/, which seems to be because it doesn't obey any of the bash PATH environment variables. Also, it can't find my…
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3 answers

What core packages should a professional R developer have, and why?

What are the specific utilities that can help R developers code and debug more efficiently? I'm looking to set up an R development environment, and would like an overview of the tools that would be useful to me in crafting a unit testing…
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8 answers

How to test 500.html in rails development env?

I want to test the 500 error pages in my Rails app using the development environment. I already tried this in config/environments/development.rb: config.action_controller.consider_all_requests_local = false But this does not seem to have any…
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2 answers

How to manage multiple JS files server-side with Node.js

I'm working on a project with Node.js and the server-side code is becoming large enough that I would like to split it off into multiple files. It appears this has been done client-side for ages, development is done by inserting a script tag for…
Matt Molnar
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2 answers

How do I change my development environment to a different language in Visual Studio?

When I first installed Visual Studio, I chose to customize my environment for "Visual C++" development. Now, I am working primarily in C# and want to change this setting to a C# environment. How can I change the environment settings from one…
5 answers

M_PI flagged as undeclared identifier

When I compile the code below, I got these error messages: (Error 1 error C2065: 'M_PI' : undeclared identifier 2 IntelliSense: identifier "M_PI" is undefined) What is this? #include #include using namespace std; double…
Eunsu Kim
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6 answers

What is the best Ruby on Rails environment for a Visual Studio user?

I've been a Visual Studio user since 1997, and used VB 3.0 before that. My whole professional life has been spent inside the Microsoft development environments. Now I would like to branch out into Ruby on Rails to try something different, and it…
Robert S.
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27 answers

How does one create an enthusiastic development team?

If you have a room full of capable developers, what can be done to encourage those developers to become excited and enthusiastic about software and software development? No gimmicks, but a genuine move to create an environment where people want to…
Brett Rigby
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12 answers

How to use nodemon with .env files?

I am using an .env file to hold environment variables for the server. This works if I run the server with foreman start. But it doesn't work with nodemon. I would like to use nodemon instead because it restarts automatically when you modify the…
19 answers

One DB per developer or not?

In a corporate development environment writing mostly administrative software, should every developer use their own database instance, or should they use a central database instance during development? What are the advantages and disadvantages of…
Pablo Cabrera
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5 answers

Specify Vagrantfile path explicity, if not plugin

Is there any way to explicity specify the path of a Vagrantfile? My company wants to do something like this: For testing on a confluence machine, type a command like vagrant spinup confluence, and then point that to a Vagrantfile in a different…