Questions tagged [desiredcapabilities]


Not all server implementations will support every WebDriver feature. Therefore, the client and server should use JSON objects with the properties listed below when describing which features a user requests that a session support. If a session cannot support a capability that is requested in the desired capabilities, no error is thrown; a read-only capabilities object is returned that indicates the capabilities the session actually supports. Learn more

Desired Capabilities : A Capabilities JSON Object sent by the client describing the capabilities a new session created by the server should possess. Any omitted keys implicitly indicate the corresponding capability is irrelevant

57 questions
2 answers

Not able to find my object created for DesiredCapabilities class

I have started building up my first Appium test in Android and for that, I started writing my code. I instantiated my DesiredCapabilities object but when I am trying to use that reference, I cant see that reference. Link to Image for the…
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Has the Webdriver support to set proxy in the driver instance removed? Unable to set proxy in driver using desired capability

I have the following code: public class LoadBrowserAndSurf { @Test public void loadAndSurf() { System.setProperty("", "D:\\Desktop\\Automation Requirements\\chromedriver\\chromedriver.exe"); String…
1 answer

Different package names to be added in desired capabilities in appium

We have an android app which is composed of two different apps. Launcher activity is present in 1 project which has a package name while app package which is shown in uiautomator view is something…
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When exactly do we need to use MobileCapabilityType

I have come across two ways to add/set capabilities. capabilities.setCapability(MobileCapabilityType.DEVICE_NAME, "Android Emulator"); and capabilities.setCapability("deviceName","Android Emulator"); so my question is how are they different and…
2 answers

With Selenium 3.8.1, Firefox, Chrome, and IE driver capabilities are deprecated.

Can anybody advise how to remove warnings from FirefoxDriver (capabilities) and ChromeDriver (capabilities)? FIREFOX { @Override public DesiredCapabilities getDesiredCapabilities () { DesiredCapabilities…
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Selenium: Set the node thats executing by ip (or something else)

I am using the Selenium Grid with a hub on the server. To debug easier I want to execute the test on my specific pc and not on other nodes. (all Nodes are allways online) is there something like an ip-capability? (All Nodes running same Browser and…
4 answers

Invalid capabilities in alwaysMatch: unhandledPromptBehavior is type boolean instead of string

I have upgraded my Selenium framework to the latest version. During execution of the code, I receive the following exception Exception: org.openqa.selenium.InvalidArgumentException: Invalid capabilities in alwaysMatch: unhandledPromptBehavior is…
2 answers

After downloading "Windows SDK Installer for windows 10" i cannot find the inspect tool in Windows Kits folder

I have downloaded windows SDK Installer from the following URL "" I have downloaded in my downloads folder. when I open the windows kits folder> 10 > Windows SDK, I can only see…
1 answer

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxOptions.merge(Capabilities) when trying to merge DesiredCapabilities using Selenium

When I try launching new Selenium/Firefox instance with DesiredCapabilities and FirfoxOptions I get the following code: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:…
1 answer

Appium different caps for different test

I'm using Python Behave BDD tests. I have written multiple tests and only one test requires fullReset set to false, noReset set to true and different appWaitActivity than other tests. Is there some way to make in the file for the test to…
1 answer

How to handle windows security pop up (you are about to view pages over a secure connection) of IE11 using ie capabilities in Selenium web-driver?

I'm connecting to my application over VPN and i get security error pop up something like this: IE11 Security pop up I have handled it using AUTOIT for now, but i wanted to know if there is a way to handle it using ie Desired capabilities???
1 answer

Browsers capabilities for Webdriver - full list

Hi do you know where I can find a full list of browsers capabilities to use with Webdriver protocol? I need to undestand this for using better, but any Webdriver client should use the same list I suppose. For instance in the…
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