Questions tagged [deltaspike]

Apache DeltaSpike (formerly Seam Solder) is a set of CDI extensions meant to ease application development both in and out of Java EE containers.

DeltaSpike (formerly Seam Solder) is designed to run on different implementations of CDI such as Apache OpenWebBeans and JBoss Weld as well as Java Enterprise servers such as Apache TomEE, JBoss AS7, JBoss WildFly 8, Oracle GlassFish, IBM Websphere, Oracle Weblogic Server 12c. There are also extensions to provide support in Apache Tomcat, JBoss Undertow and Jetty.

125 questions
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DeltaSpike ambiguous dependency between DefaultWindowContextQuotaHandler and JsfWindowContextQuotaHandler

I am using DeltaSpike 1.7.1 and CDI 1.0 (Weld 1.1.5) deployed on JBoss 7.1.1. It's a legacy project and I can't change the technologies we're using. The problem happens only when I deploy multiple WAR files (I am aware that CDI has/had a problem…
Diego Urenia
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Location of beans.xml during unit tests of a Maven web app

I use Deltaspike CdiControl to start up the CDI container for my unit tests. That works fine but there is a problem: If I use this approach for Maven web app the beans.xml end up in src/main/webapp/WEB-INF. That means it is not in the META-INF…
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Would (or should) CDI provide package qualifiers?

Studying Seam 3, I discovered that Seam Solder allows the @Named annotation to be applied to packages - in that case, all beans in this package will be automatically named, as if they were qualified with @Named themselves. I didn't see too much…
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Using CDI in JSF, Weld or Solder

Hmm I starting with a jsf webapplication, will be using CDI, but am a bit confused between Weld & Solder, or is it that Solder use's Weld under the hood. Also was Weld called WebBeans before ? Like incase of Apache MyFaces it clear that the CDI…
Mr Spark
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Interceptor warnings in wildfly 11 deployment originating from deltaspike

During the deployment of my test.war in Wildfly 11 I see a couple of warnings: 09:45:32,714 WARN [org.jboss.weld.Validator] (MSC service thread 1-4) WELD-001478: Interceptor class org.apache.deltaspike.core.impl.throttling.ThrottledInterceptor is…
2 answers

Test DeltaSpike Repositories cannot inject EntityManager

I am trying to run a simple test for DeltaSpike repository. However, I cannot get the Entity Manager injected. I am using producer which is located and test sources: @ApplicationScoped public class EntityManagerProducer { @Produces public…
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Is it possible to use Junit for Deltaspike Data Module Repository testing?

I really like using the Deltaspikes Datamodule with its Repositories. To improve in productivity and lower the Errors i am also writing Unittests via JUnit. Before i used DBUnit with Plain JPA/Hibernate inside the testcases, but i would like to test…
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Deltaspike IllegalStateException in Wildfly 10

I am currently in the process of updating my container from JBoss AS 7 to Wildfly 10. The migration has gone well except for Deltaspike integration. Under JBoss AS 7 AS everything was working as expected, I only needed to create custom…
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3 answers

DeltaSpike custom ConfigSource with CDI

I am trying to define a custom DeltaSpike ConfigSource. The custom config source will have the highest priority and check the database for the config parameter. I have a ConfigParameter entity, that simply has a key and a…
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PicketLink / Deltaspike security does not work in SOAP (JAX-WS) layer (CDI vs EJB?)

I am long time Spring user, now had to switch to Java EE only. There are many things that just don't work as expected... I have a CXF / SOAP service @WebService( ... ) @SOAPBinding(parameterStyle = SOAPBinding.ParameterStyle.BARE) public interface…
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Deltaspike Data Repositories in Wildfly 8.2 with JTA and Container Managed Transaction (CMT)

I am using DeltaSpike Data Repositories for the daos in a project that uses JTA datasources. I recently migrated to Wildfly 8.2 and I got some problems with them: As described in DeltaSpike documentation, I configured …
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Deltaspike and Quartz: How to set cronExpressions from a config file

I guess the title is quite self-explained. I have a job: import org.apache.deltaspike.scheduler.api.Scheduled; import org.quartz.Job; @Scheduled(cronExpression = "0 0/1 * * * ?") public class JobA implements Job { //job code } harcoded to run…
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Deltaspike and @Stateless Bean

I want to secure my "Stateless" EJb with the DeltaSpike-API. @Stateless @Remote(UserServiceRemote.class) public class UserService implements UserServiceRemote At method level i have a custom annotation "Support" @Support public void doSomething()…
1 answer

Java CDI select alternative without priority

I'm trying to replace a default implementation provided by DeltaSpike (LocaleResolver) with my own implementation via @Alternative. @Alternative @RequestScoped public class ExampleLocaleResolver implements LocaleResolver { }
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DefaultConfigSourceProvider not a subtype when deploying EAR artifact in Jboss 7

When we create a configuration in IntelliJ to deploy an ear artifact and deploy it, it fails with the following stacktrace: 09:01:00,399 INFO [org.jboss.weld.deployer] (MSC service thread 1-2) JBAS016008: Starting weld service for deployment…
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