Questions tagged [ddd-service]

75 questions
1 answer

How to Call SQL function from controller

Classes are structured as below. MVC page Controller calls Application Service to get data and post data to database. Domain Entity class which is used by unit of work to insert, update and read data from db. My question is where do I call…
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Where should I check for uniqueness in a ddd architecture

In my domain model I have a customer aggregate root. My business rule is -> I can not add a new customer with the same firstname, lastname and email address. Where is the best place for this kind of validation check? First from my point of view its…
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Best way to dynamically load adapters in hexagonal architecture?

I want to apply hexagonal architecture to my userManagement boundedContext. So I want to define 2 ports (one for UI, another one for serviceBus integration, to listen for events from another services). The question is if I want to implement…
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How to model this domain driven design challenge?

Learning DDD here. There is two kind of users Members and Staff. A Member can have a list of subscriptions and are able to purchase additional subscriptions at any time. Staff user can also add a subscription to a member. When staff user adds a…
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DDD Responsibilities of Controller on MVC application

I'm refactoring a application to DDD, and so far so good but i got a doubt about some responsibility and what are the best approaches to solve it. The application is a web app that call center agents use, with CRM features, the backend is a REST…
2 answers

Infrastructure repository calling a domain service

I have an application service (AppService) and an infrastructure repository (InfraRepo) that reads data from an external data provider. The AppService calls InfraRepo and returns data to the client. I have the following requirement: I have some…
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ddd: logic that spans multiple models, where should it go?

I am working on an system and am trying to utilize ddd with node.js. Here is the an example for the system, from a high-level: database tables(mongoldb): user username: String firstName: String middleName: String lastName:…
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DDD Domain services

I have an Invoice aggregate root which at some point can be sent to accounting external web service, and mark as sent by persisting some ID/number obtained from that service. Which is the correct way to do it in DDD? Here are my ideas: First…
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Can Domain Driven Design Application layer have Models

Can an application layer in ddd have models? To be more explicit, I have a credential entity in my system that is related to the authentication process which is outside of my domain layer, so where this entity will be? I'm new at Domain Driven…
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How to define busines model from following statements using DDD approch

Defining domain model is most important task..unfortunately it is one hardest step in DDD. i like to know, how to design a simple domain model from the following statements . "Every user must have a email to operate the system. the user must be…
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is need Domain driven ApplicationService DTO for data layer

Applying domain driven desing I am confused a bit. I am using C# and Java I have layers like this: Domain ApplicationService DataLayer PresentationLayer ApplicationService layer is between presentation and Data layer. AppplicationService gets data…
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Non-domain service interfaces

While learning domain driven design, I have been putting together the following solution (note that this ordering is lexicographic and not a representation of dependency): Below is an outline of each project: Domain.Models: Domain entities and…
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Instantiating objects - Polymorphism

I have a financial application that processes 'bonds'. I need to Model the application to avoid an anaemic model (which i understand is bad). Instantiate different implementations depending on the type of bond. The system gets instructions from an…
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DDD - Behavior with optional state: Service / Value Object?

Following DDD practices, I am running into a problem while implementing a small AES encryptor/decryptor (wrapping .NET's AesCryptoServiceProvider). public class Aes256CbcCryptor : ISymmetricCryptor { private SymmetricAlgorithm AesProvider { get;…
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which architecture is good for implementing in this project?

i am new in architecture .I have a MVC web application project and I want to use EF code FIRST .I want to use an architecture for this project.I want to use DDD(domain driven design) but it is for large project. i want a simple of DDD that support…
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