Questions tagged [datetimepicker]

GUI component that allows the user to select a date and a time and to display the date and time with a specified format.

DateTimePicker is used to select a date and time, and to display that date and time in the specified format. DateTimePicker makes it easy to work with dates and times because it handles a lot of the data validation automatically.

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Bootstrap v3 datetimepicker position div in div

My datetimepicker widget positioned in InfoWindow Google Maps. And when shows he is limited in InfoWindow area: If I use: $('.datetimepicker2').datetimepicker({ widgetParent:…
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boostrap 4 datetimepicker in symfony form

I try in my symfony 5.1 form withh boostrap4 using jquery-ui datetimepicker for datetime input but I use in console error Uncaught TypeError: $(...).datepicker is not a function. In template i have
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How to dynamically enable only one particular date of every month with bootstrap datepicker

I am using bootstrap date-picker. In my application two date-pickers(Datepicker-1 & Datepicker-2),Based on Datepicker-1 selected dates only enabled every month and all other dates must be disabled in Datepicker-2 i tried to do something like…
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ion-datetime shows default value onclick and then updates the new max and min values

I am trying to set a max and min value to an ion-datetime on click as shown bellow correction.ts minstartdate:String = '2020-08-14T05:30Z'; maxenddate:String = '2020-08-14T05:30Z'; open(id,type){ this.editTimeclockLog =…
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xdsoft datetimepicker - Stay open at all times

I am currently working on a booking feature and I implemented xdsoft datetimepicker for this. My only concern is that I cannot manage to keep it open at all times. I want to close it only when I click a specific button. I tried to use the following…
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Material-UI pickers: providing time formats renders the time section of the picker as 12:00

I am using the @material-ui/pickers to pick datetime. However, there is an issue in the Datetime picker component. The default format doesn't shows year and is as "August 24th 15:56". I want to format the data using format "yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm a".…
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In datetime_picker_formfield plugin for flutter, formfield dent update

I'm trying to use the datetime_picker_formfield plugin for flutter but the problem I'm facing is that after I change the date using the picker it doesn't update on the form field unless I click on the form field again. I have attached the code…
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Google flights calendar like date time picker in Angular (OwlDatetime)

I am using Owl Date Time Picker in my angular application. I am using range picker to select fromRange and toRange. It is displaying date time range picker like displayed below. But I would like to show two months in the range picker like in Google…
Anand Kadhir
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How do I remove today's date information from the dropdown in the DateTimePicker control?

I would like to remove the red squiggle thing from the dropdown as well as the bar at the bottom of the dropdown with today's date in bold as seen in the screen shot on the link. Any help would be much appreciated!
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datetimepicker can't change to DD/MM/YY - ADMIN LTE

I've been working with a code and it's all fine, but I cant change the data format. Also, when I deleted the " $('#reservationdate').datetimepicker({" code it still works and it shouldn't, so I don't know where to start. I'm using the same example…
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DateTime picker format is different to DateTime format in Razor component

Spent now a few hours already. How to achive same format in Datepicker like in Razor component?
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How to custom display format of jquery datetimepicker

i'm trying to create input with datetimepicker which use Japanese format. It looks like this Y年m月d日 H:i. This is my js config for datetime picker: $('#input1').datetimepicker({ format: 'Y年m月d日 H:i', formatTime: 'H:i', …
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How to pass values in parameters in short data format

In Firebird 3.0 data are stored in field as timestamp. I have to filter data in date interval, such as records from 01.08.2020 to 02.08.2020. I use datetimepicker component. SQL: select sum(Summa),users.user_name from table1,users where (table1dt…
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DateTime Picker using edittext on Navigation Drawer not working

I am new in programming and I would like to know if is it possible to add a date and time picker dialog on the navigation drawer since when I try to do it, it does not open the pop out. I will be including my code here which I copied from Youtube…
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Change Angular Datepicker component display field on Runtime angular

I am using mat-datetimepicker and i have configured it to display the dates. Below you can see the configuration for the same. export const MY_DATE_FORMATS = { parse: { dateInput: 'L', monthInput: 'MMMM', timeInput:…
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