Questions tagged [daterangepicker]

A jQuery UI plug-in that let the user to select a date range.

Date Range Picker let the user to select a date range.

It is based on the datejs.js library and on the jQuery UI datepicker.

547 questions
4 answers

get next week start and end using jquery and moment js

I searched for this question and found there is a no answer on Stackoverflow.. So I decided to answer it... This question helps if you need to get the start/end of next/last week with Monday as start of week.
Venkata K. C. Tata
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7 answers

getting the value of daterangepicker bootstrap

Hi im new to using javascript and encountered a problem while using daterangepicker bootstrap. I manage do implement this demo that i got but I am stuck at getting the value of start date and end date from the javascript. This is the…
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5 answers

configuring language in Bootstrap Date Range Picker

I am using the Bootstrap Date Range Picker provided and explained In this page I added all the library using the cdn, I mean this:
Sredny M Casanova
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5 answers

Update the selected dates of date range picker for Twitter Bootstrap

I'm using the date range picker for Twitter Bootstrap, by Dan Grossman. When initialized, it's possible to set pre-defined values like startDate and endDate. Is it possible to update the values manually later on in a similar way? What I want to do…
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3 answers

How to disable future dates in daterangepicker

I am using this plugin for selecting date range, The configuration is my js is as follows: // date range picker $('.date_input').daterangepicker({ autoUpdateInput: false, locale: { cancelLabel: 'Clear', format: 'DD-MM-YY' …
Johny me
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1 answer

Change the calendar position on mobile layout

Change the calendar position on mobile layout, I used the daterangepicker-bs3.css and daterangepicker.js' but the mobile layout is out of my expectation. desktop layout, the start date calendar should on the left mobile layout, the start date…
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1 answer

bootstrap daterangepicker open by button

i use the bootstrap daterangepicker (dangrossman) and Bootstrap 3. Now i want does i can the daterangepicker open with a addon-button and with clickling in the input field my code:
3 answers

Can't bind to 'rangePicker' since it isn't a known property of 'mat-date-range-input'

I'm using angular date range picker and getting a issue: Can't bind to 'rangePicker' since it isn't a known property of 'mat-date-range-input'. If 'mat-date-range-input' is an Angular component and it has 'rangePicker' input, then verify that it is…
Maruthi Eranki
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2 answers

daterangepicker show year and months only

I'm using daterangepicker bootstrap 3. $('#pa_date*').daterangepicker({ singleDatePicker: true, showDropdowns: true, minDate: min, maxDate: max, format: 'DD/MM/YYYY' …
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3 answers

How to set default date in daterangepicker?

Is there any way to simply set default date as current + 5 day ahead in daterangepicker? Like this: $('.selector').daterangepicker({ singleDatePicker: true, showDropdowns: true, setDate: '+5d', minDate: new Date() }, function(start, end, label) { …
Sagar Nepali
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3 answers

How to disable past date in daterangepicker?

I using two date selected daterangepicker. this working perfect but how to disable past date. below is my code js/site/daterange/moment.min.js">