Questions tagged [database-tools]

19 questions
0 answers

How to automate db tool test cases?

I am looking for recommendations on how can I automate test cases for DB query tools like SQLServer management Studio, DB visualizer etc? Few examples of my test cases are Launch the tool Make a successful connection to the database using…
2 answers

Postgresql: Look For Some Text in Columns of a Table

I have a really peculiar problem. I need to find a especific field in an old Postgresql database, I know some values that is into this column but I don't know the table and column's name... The problem is, there is no documentation of this database,…
1 answer

Changing statement separator in Intellij Idea or Datagrip like in Squirrel

is it possible to change statement separator in Intellij Idea database tool? To be exact, in squirrel, you can change statement separator, so you don't need to use symbol ; but you can change it to different symbols like @!? etc. Example select *…
0 answers

Intellij Database Tools - Derby Database

I am using intellij for a java project and am trying to use the database tools to create a local derby database but every time I try to create a database I get a error message java.sql.SQLException: Failed to create database '', see the next…