Questions tagged [database-schema]

A description of the structure of the database - including the structure of the tables, columns, constraints, views, etc, etc... that make up the database.Normally defined in the text, generally SQL in an RDBMS, the schema describes the complete blueprint for the database, defining everything about the database except that data itself.

2784 questions
4 answers

MongoDB Diagram Design Tool

Planning a project using MongoDB and looking for a tool to map out the database. Any suggestions of a database design tool similar to that specifically supports MongoDB? Thanks
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8 answers

SQL Query to search schema of all tables

I am working on a SQL Server 2008 Db that has many tables in it (around 200). Many of these tables contain a field by the name "CreatedDate". I am trying to identify all the table schema with this particular field. Is there a SQL query to do this?
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4 answers

How to change schema of all tables, views and stored procedures in MSSQL

Recently we were having issues on our database server and after long efforts it was decided to change the database server. So we managed to restore the database on another server, change the connection string, etc. Everything was going as planned…
4 answers

Import and export schema in cassandra

How to import and export schema from Cassandra or Cassandra cqlsh prompt?
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2 answers

Cannot create a new table after "DROP SCHEMA public"

Since I wanted to drop some tables and somebody suggested the below and I did it: postgres=# drop schema public cascade; DROP SCHEMA postgres=# create schema public; CREATE SCHEMA Then I got problem when creating a new database, such as: postgres=#…
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2 answers

Adding an one-out-of-two not null constraint in postgresql

If I have a table in Postgresql: create table Education ( id integer references Profiles(id), finished YearValue not null, started YearValue, qualification text, schoolName …
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4 answers

MongoDB Structure for message app

I am breaking my mind up thinking about a good document structure for handling a message app. I basically need three (or four) types of objects: The user (username, email, password, etc.) The contacts list (containing different contacts or contacts…
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5 answers

mongoengine - Ignore extra fields for schema validation

I am trying to query my database. Some records currently have extra fields that are not included in my model schema (by error, but I want to handle these cases). When I try to query the DB and transform the records into the schema, I get the…
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11 answers

Dynamically changing schema in Entity Framework Core

UPD here is the way I solved the problem. Although it's likely to be not the best one, it worked for me. I have an issue with working with EF Core. I want to separate data for different companies in my project's database via schema-mechanism. My…
2 answers

Rails 3. Creating a production database

How can I create a production database in Rails 3 and load a schema to it? I tried the following approaches... I. rake db:create Rails.env='production' && rake db:schema:load Rails.env='production' II. # config/environment.rb # Set the rails…
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6 answers

Why use a 1-to-1 relationship in database design?

I am having a hard time trying to figure out when to use a 1-to-1 relationship in db design or if it is ever necessary. If you can select only the columns you need in a query is there ever a point to break up a table into 1-to-1 relationships. I…
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2 answers

Django and postgresql schemas

I've been trying to solve this one all week, help very much appreciated. I have various schemas in a postgres db and I would like to be able to map to them from within the same or across different django apps. Some of the schemas are…
Spatial Digger
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5 answers

How to duplicate schemas in PostgreSQL

I have a database with schema public and schema_A. I need to create a new schema schema_b with the same structure than schema_a. I found the function below, the problem is that it does not copy the foreign key constraints. CREATE OR REPLACE…
2 answers

Group output of SHOW COLUMNS into comma-delimited list

I am comparing database tables on a development server against a live server, looking for column name changes, new columns, and columns that have been dropped. I'd like to do something like this: SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(Field) FROM (SHOW COLUMNS ON…
Chris Baker
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3 answers

Doctrine schema update or Doctrine migrations

What are the practical advantages of Doctrine Migrations over just running a schema update? Safety? The orm:schema-tool:update command (doctrine:schema:update in Symfony) warns This operation should not be executed in a production…
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