Questions tagged [database-schema]

A description of the structure of the database - including the structure of the tables, columns, constraints, views, etc, etc... that make up the database.Normally defined in the text, generally SQL in an RDBMS, the schema describes the complete blueprint for the database, defining everything about the database except that data itself.

2784 questions
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database table for scheduling system

Please correct me if I design it wrong. I need to design 3 tables as follow: students : id, name sections : id, student_id, s_name schedules: id, section_id, c_name And here are requirements: There are students, and each of those student has…
1 answer

tbl with in_schema returns "Invalid object name" error

After a connection to the SQL server, the databases inside it can be listed. con = dbConnect(odbc(), Driver = "ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server", Server = "xxxxxxxxxxxx", UID = "xxxxxxxxxxxx", PWD…
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How is best to structure a key value pair object inside Mongodb to use with mongoose?

If I need to save data as key:value pairs inside an existent document, where key is a String and value is a Number, as: users (collection) //(document 1) .. notifications: Object (String) : (Number) (String) :…
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Officemate Database Schema

I am creating some data visualization with Officemate's database(MSSQL) however I am not sure how all these tables are related. If anyone has information on this that would be greatly appreciated.
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Do I have one schema or two?

I have an object type, defined in a JSON schema. I now want to support usage of this object type for users of Protocol Buffers. So, I define this schema again in the Protocol Buffer format. Do I now have two schemas (a JSON schema and a Protocol…
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Local Data Cache SyncTable Schema not copied, clientSyncProvider _ CreatingSchema does not fire

I am using the VS2008 Local Data Cache tool to synchronize a SqlServer 2008 Db with a local SQL CE 3.5. At the server I have a table with a PK with datatype uniqueIdentifier and defaultvalue newID(). Upon initial synchronization through the Local…
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10 answers

Is there a tool that will allow me to design a SQL Database, then script it for me?

I am looking for a tool that will allow me to design my SQL 2008 database, including the tables, columns, relationships between tables (PK,FK etc) and then produce scripts for me that I can run to create the database. The idea here is that rather…
Dan Harris
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Is it possible to use a single table as a dependent table containing one foreign key for multiple principle/parent tables using EF Core 5.0

I am working with an existing database that contains no foreign keys, only primary key constraints. A notes table is being used to store a single string of text as a varchar(max). When a record is inserted into the notes table the primary key is…
1 answer

SqlException: Invalid object name Person.Person

I'm following this tutorial to create a sample API in AspNet Core 3.1 using Visual Studio 2019 project templates, but since I'm using the AdventureWorks (2019) database, I've had to make some changes. Database Context has been scaffolded like…
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How to create a database schema in kubernetes cluster

Consider a kubernetes deployment with database statefulset defined with 3 replicas. Also the application pod has 3 replicas. The database schema creation scripts are invoked by the application container. In this scenario how do I make sure that…
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I run heroku run rake db:migrate but I got error PG::UndefinedColumn: ERROR: column "user_id" of relation "tasks" does not exist

Can you help me figure out what else do I need to edit or change here? I have Task App and has 3 models Category, User and Task they are related already. The app is working fine in my local machine if you want to see my models here: class User <…
1 answer

Entity Framework 4.1 - Mapping bad schema

So I have a badly formatted schema that I can't touch right now because of a lot of legacy code dependencies. Supposed I have a table Test and it has a column IsValid that is declared type int. I want the poco domain object to have the proper intent…
1 answer

Are schemas in PostgreSQL physical objects?

I use schemas in PostgreSQL for organizing my huge accounting database. At the end of every year I make a reconcile process by creating a new schema for the next year. Are the files of the new schema physically separated from the old schema? Or all…
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Missing Schemas in MySQL Workbench

I am having an issue in MySQL Workbench, where many of my created schemas are missing. I was in a Coding Bootcamp, and all the schemas that I created during that period vanished. The ones created beforehand are all still there. I'm pretty sure I am…
4 answers

Help understand DB Schema/Design

Hello i am facing the following... Two DB tables (mysql myisam tables - no foreign key constraints) 'MASTER' and 'CHILD'. Rows in 'CHILD' db table reference a single row (1:M) in the 'MASTER' table using the parent_id *column*. The problem is that…
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