Questions tagged [database-management]

109 questions
0 answers

An exception of type OperationalError occurred. Arguments: ('database is locked',) ;SQlite

I am trying to write function for updating database table columns (here column name will differ various point of time.) So while doing so, i am getting "operation error, Database locked". Could anyone suggest reason behind this. For more…
1 answer

How to change the where clause and append at the same time using SELECT statement in SQL Server?

sect<-c("Healthcare","Basic Materials","Utilities","Financial Services","Technology","Consumer" "Defensive","Industrials","Communication Services","Energy","Real Estate","Consumer Cyclical","NULL") mcap<-c("3 - Large","2 - Mid","1 -…
1 answer

How to use parallel computing in R?

sect<-c("Healthcare","Basic Materials","Utilities","Financial Services","Technology","Consumer" "Defensive","Industrials","Communication Services","Energy","Real Estate","Consumer Cyclical","NULL") mcap<-c("3 - Large","2 - Mid","1…
3 answers

How to pick a value associated with the maximum value in a table [WITHOUT USING LIMITS]

I have a table like this that contains values like Sales Table | Year | Profit | |------|--------------| | 1982 | 20 | | 2000 | 100 | | 1900 | 10 | | 1800 | 2 | I basically want to pick the year that…
1 answer

Fetching data really fast from Google cloud firestore

I am making a flutter application and I’m using cloud firestore as my online database. One of the features in my app is looking for nearby users and showing their profile to the current user in a custom widget on screen. The way I do it is I get…
1 answer

Reorganizing columns by two column combination

I am currently learning the tidyr and dplyr. Went in the following issue I am not sure how to appropiatly face: Imaging the following dataset: Factor 1 Factor 2 Year value A green 2016 1.2 A green …
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MySQL: Is it good to define a new date column to determine what date a record has been fetched when there is already a created_at column?

I need some help about database management. I am trying to retrieve data from my database (filtering them by the created_at field). There will be no problem when I am retrieving data from my database created in today's date. For example today is…
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How do I evaluate the cost of using MS SQL Server vs Amazon Redshift?

I have a client using SQL Server for everything, including powering marketing dashboards using analytics queries. They are excited to start pushing data into Redshift as a data warehouse for the speed improvements alone (eg queries that take hours…
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Advanced webshop filtering w/ MySQL

I am making a webshop in MySQL and PHP with a database design similar to this (see the picture) I am not having a problem with multiple-price items with different specifications, like in the question linked above. This will be a computer webshop so…
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Fix misspelled column name in every table of a SQL Server database

I've got a SQL Server database running in SSMS which contains ~75 tables. I've just realized every table has a modfiedBy column header, which is misspelled and should instead be spelled modifiedBy. Is there a way to change (ALTER??) all these column…
Kyle Vassella
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Pruning in SQL Server

I have a table which has more than 90 million rows, it has data for more than 3 years. I want to keep all the records added on Monday (or any one specific day in a week) and delete the remaining records for the data added a year before. Can any one…
1 answer

How to deal with the response time from a huge mongo db database

I have a mongoDb database with one of the collection having 2300000 documents and growing. Till the database had 1000000 documents the api response time was quick and the webpage loaded quickly, as soon as it crossed the 2000000 mark it started…
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Should I avoid using models in django migrations?

I am working on an existing Django project that contains migration code like: someFluffyModel.objects.all().delete() or someModel = SomeModel(....) Now wherever there is such code and newer migrations change the schema that…
4 answers

Benefits or using XML over MySQL and vice-versa?

I am currently working on a project that was not made by me but it makes use of a lot XML files instead of MySQL in place of it. Because of that it makes me wonder if there is really any benefits of using XML over MySQL here. The scene is, the XML…
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splitting the column fields into new columns in mysql

I need some help with some basic, i suppose, mysql. given three columns such as the ones below: [Events Counts Date play 2 2017/06/05 pause 3 …