Questions tagged [database-management]

109 questions
1 answer

Suggesting options in select menu for better user interface

I recently developed a search which will gather prices from three online shops and compare them to provide the user with the best choice available to them.Its been hosted here However, I want it to make as suggestive as the search on Flipkart So, i…
Prashant Singh
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3 answers

Increment a value for entire database

So we have a database. Every so often we'll add a new data set and the oldest dataset should be removed. Say the DB is Early June: 18 records, Late June: 15 records, Aug: 23 records. When we add the next records we want to remove the Early June…
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How can I maintain production databases in a developer team?

So we have many clients using our software (with databases) on many different servers. We also have several developers all making changes to these databases daily. When developers update their code daily, their database needs to be updated with…
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How do I open a sqflite database file in DB Browser for SQLite?

I have a Flutter/Dart application that I am coding using Android Studio. I use a database called envirodatabase.db with the sqflite package. I want to open the database in DB Browser for SQLite on my computer, but the only way it lets me do that is…
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Row combination to remove NA's based on common ID's

I recently asked a question regarding database managemen in R packages tidyr, dplyr or similar in this link (Reorganizing columns by two column combination). It was helpful, I managed to do the proposed code, but I was wring in the final format I…
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How do I make a Register and Login example in Java and store the registration records without using database languages?

I'm trying to make a project which includes the Registration Form and Login Form that the program will check if the user is registered or not and will log in if the user is registered. I'm using FileWriter to store data like usernames and passwords…
1 answer

'strftime' is not a recognized built-in function name

I am using Microsoft SQL Database Management Studio and it will not allow me to use the strftime() function to run a query. I have to create a table by months with new users and unsubscribers for each month. This is what I had essentially which…
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Updating an entire row (containing multiple columns) within a sqlite database created

I want to create an update function which will change the entries of the columns (entire row) within the database based on the INTEGER PRIMARY KEY of the row - if at all possible. I have a find function which will find and load the details of a…
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How to make undefined many SQL updates

I'm trying to manage a SQLite Database by updating all the average values of two rows (only the floats), which are in a timeinterval. One of the two rows should be deleted after the average values are determind. The SQL-statment I'm looking for, is…
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1 answer

Spring Hibernate: Values not inserting into database

I can't seem to add values to my table. There is no error but the values aren't inserting in my database. After submitting the form, no errors would show up. Upon looking at the console, this shows: Hibernate: insert into …
3 answers

How the following SQL query is working?

How is the given query correct as it is using T1 inside the with clause and T1 is declared after the clause within WITH is completed. WITH T1(Emp,Manager,Salary) AS ( SELECT tt2.[Emp],tt2.[Manager],tt2.[Salary] FROM [YourTable] AS tt1 RIGHT…
Shubham Jain
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How do I resolve 'Unexpected number of row removed!'?

I'm trying to delete all row of data in my tables and reset the auto increment. When I do, I get this message : Unexpected number of rows removed! One row was not removed. Reload the table to be sure that the contents have not changed in the…
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Is it possible to use migrations with model files to keep my model files a source of truth?

The time has come when I must face the music and learn Sequalize's migration support. While the migrations support looks elegant, my biggest fear is losing the models files source of truth. I want to use migrations, but I want to simultaneously keep…
Kyle Hotchkiss
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1 answer

Creating a join table in SQL Server

Let's say I have two tables, A and B, each with unique ID columns A_id and B_id respectively. Then let's say I wake up one day and decide that the two tables have a relationship. So, I create a table AB that contains A_id, B_id pairs. Then I go to…
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3 answers

Is there a way to create subdatabases as a kind of subfolders in sql server?

I am creating an application where there is main DB and where other data is stored in secondary databases. The secondary databases follow a "plugin" approach. I use SQL Server. A simple installation of the application will just have the mainDB,…
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