Questions tagged [cydia]

Cydia is an iOS app for jailbroken iPhones, iPod Touches and iPads. It allows users to find and install software not allowed by Apple.

Cydia is an iOS app created by Jay Freeman (more commonly known as saurik) for jailbroken iPhones, iPod Touches and iPads. It allows users to find and install software not allowed by Apple.

286 questions
1 answer

LibStatusBar icon disappears on 3rd-party app launch

I wrote a tweak for Cydia, it adds an icon to the status bar. It works fine on the home screen and when SpringBoard is launched, also, if an app is already launched then it works fine, however, if an app (such as Facebook or Twitter) is closed…
La bla bla
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5 answers

How to make a directory iOS?

Okay, So I have a Cydia app that I need to update. I am aware with Cydia apps that they don't have a Documents folder, so you have to make one. And here's how I made it before in iOS 4 (which doesn't work on iOS 5):…
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7 answers

How to detect "IAP crackers"?

I found out that many users use so-called "IAP crackers" instead of purchasing the items in in-app purchase (IAP). I also learned that Zynga Poker and Pokerist already detect IAP crackers and prevent the fake IAP. I would like to detect which phone…
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6 answers

How to build an app for Cydia store?

I have built an app for Apple's App Store, now I want to submit the app to the Cydia store. How can I do this? Should I just post the file built for the App Store to the Cydia store?
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1 answer

How can I monitor an application's API calls on a jailbroken iOS device?

I am performing a review on an iOS application for which I do not have the source code. In order to gain more control over the environment, I am running the application on a jailbroken iPad. I'd like to be able to monitor the API calls that the…
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4 answers

The identity used to sign the executable is no longer valid <= help me

**The identity used to sign the executable is no longer valid.** Please verify that your device’s clock is properly set, and that your signing certificate is not expired. I've met this error when build my app on iphone by Xcode device for 2 days.…
Let's Bi
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1 answer

Develop an iOS App for Cydia

How can I start developing simple iOS tweaks for Cydia? What's the difference in compiling an app for the official App Store and Cydia?
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4 answers

How to take screenshot for the entire screen no matter which app is at front most in iOS 7(Jailbroken)

Before iOS7 I use UIGetScreenImage() function to take the screenshot easily, but in iOS7, it becomes deprecated, now are there any good methods to archive this?Thank you! Addition: I need take screenshot for the entire screen at any view
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2 answers

Developing Mobile Substrate tweaks

I have a few questions about developing mobile substrate tweaks. First of all, how do you make them? Do you have to use XCode? What kind of files are needed and where do you place your code? How do you hook into an app? For example if I want to…
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0 answers

iphone: how to build an IPA file from self-made app?

I programmed a small app for iOS, and I used Mac OS X 10.6.6, Xcode 3.2.5 and iOS SDK 4.2, all running in a Virtual Box machine 4.0. now I want the app to run on my iphone and to distribute it to some beta testers. because I'm not a registered apple…
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2 answers

Distribute unsigned app iPhone for jailbroken iPhone with no Cydia

I'm trying to distribute an unsigned .ipa via itms-services protocol for jailbroken device WITH NO CYDIA. I went through guides about how to create an unsigned app for cydia from:…
Alexei Robsky
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2 answers

Keeping an app alive in background unlimited (for a Cydia app)

I don't mind using private API's or anything of the kind that Apple doesn't like, but would prefer a quick solution that doesn't stuff like playing silence in the background or swizzling. Obviously this isn't for the app store so please no lecturing…
Zaky German
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7 answers

Is an iPhone app's document directory /var/mobile/Documents or /var/mobile/Library/AppName?

As far as I know (and read everywhere) an application's documents directory should be somewhere in /var/mobile/Library/ on the iPhone but if I'm logging the gotten directory it is /var/mobile/Documents. I get the directory as follows: NSArray *paths…
Daniel M.
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1 answer

How to add third party framework to mobile substrate tweak

I would like to add the iOS AWS framework, specifically S3 functionality, to a Mobile Substrate tweak that I am building. Unfortunately, I can't for the life of me figure out how to make it work. I have tried adding the following to my Makefile…
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0 answers

How to add subprojects to iOSOpenDev?

I have been making jailbreak tweak recently and have just been using a normal text editor for everything and then compiling and installing using a makefile(THEOS). I have tried using iOSOpenDev before but didn't like it because in my projects I…
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