Questions tagged [customdialog]

325 questions
2 answers

sendUserActionEvent() mView== null after clicking on button

I have checked with this link but there its mentioned about long clicks. but I am facing this after clicking on button of custom dialog. I have pasted my code over here. can anyone help me to avoid this error. ibtnCancel.setOnClickListener(new…
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5 answers

Easiest way to create a custom dialog box which returns a value?

I want to create a custom dialog box for my C# project. I want to have a DataGridView in this custom dialog box, and there will also be a button. When the user clicks this button, an integer value is returned to the caller, and the dialog box then…
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11 answers

Custom dialog too small

I have an android activity that implements a custom dialog.The application is running ok but the dialog is too small,i want to display a bigger dialog.How can i achieve this? Here is my layout xml
mungaih pk
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4 answers

Dialog.setTitle not showing a title

I am trying to add a custom title to my Dialog, however whenever I run my application it doesn't show a title. My code for creating the dialog is final Dialog passwordDialog = new Dialog(this); …
Ryan Newman
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1 answer

How can I add an image to a custom WiX dialog?

I have tried modifying the set of WixVariables in my Product.wxs like so: (The first part is…
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3 answers

What is difference between Dialog.setContentView( View ) & AlertDialog.setView( View )

I'm working on creating a custom dialog to get input from the user. I've noticed that when I use an AlertDialog I can add widgets such as an EditText to the AlertDialog using setView() method. I'm looking into customizing AlertDialog and noticed…
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8 answers

custom dialog with close button

I want to create a custom dialog with the layout as shown in the picture. The cross/close button must be on the top right side. Please suggest how can i achieve this kind of layout. Thanks in advance.
Akshay Sethi
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4 answers

How to center layout inside of Android Dialog?

I am trying to create a custom Dialog, and have its content centered, but it is always ending up left-aligned. Here is aboutdialog.xml:
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7 answers

How do I show only one Dialog at a time?

My Android application shows an AlertDialog on a button click. When I click on the button more than once more than one Dialog is created. How can I fix this? Here is my code: button.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public…
Asha Soman
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5 answers

Android - Change custom dialog title background

I am creating a custom dialog and I want to know how to change the background of the title bar. I've tried two approaches: 1 - I've tried the AlertDialog.Builder method 'setCustomTitle'. I created a simple layout view comprising of a textview with…
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3 answers

Custom Dialog with setMultiChoiceItems

I want to create a way users can select options like the image below Right now am doing the following public static class CategoriesDialogFragment extends SherlockDialogFragment { public static CategoriesDialogFragment newInstance(int title)…
Harsha M V
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4 answers

How to create custom dialog box with two button in android?

How to generate custom dialog box in android like this, I want just like this. How to generate it. please give me suggestion. i have used below code for dialog box, what is the problem in my code? I have not identify it. please share me any…
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4 answers

Android - AlertDialog styling

I have an alert dialog in the app as shown below. I want the title and the line which separates the title - message body to be in orange colour. how can i do this? What i tried is using custom style as shown below. But this did not work.
suresh cheemalamudi
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6 answers

How to align custom dialog centre in android ?

I am working on the application where i wanted to display the dialog to be screen size. So i used code below.I got the solution through here Alert message is not displaying in alert dialog box? AlertDialog.Builder builder = new…
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0 answers

Android: Custom dialog take too much time to open

I have custom dialog which shows listing, it's working but it's take too much time to open, I also tried to solve it using DialogFragment but it's shows as it is, so how can i solve it? please guys help to solve this problem! try…
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