Questions tagged [custom-cell]

A custom cell is a unique, personalized or subclassed version of some generic cell type.

750 questions
7 answers

Swipe-able Table View Cell in iOS 9

I want my table list to have a swipe-able menu like in iOS 8 (first introduced in iOS 7). I've found a Ray Wenderlich guide that is clear on how to do it, but it was written a year and 4 months ago and the code is in Objective-C. Did iOS 8 or the…
Dave G
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3 answers

ListView or TableLayout?

I am really confused now as to which one to learn. I am an iPhone app developer and now learning Android development. I have learnt how to use a ListView with a static array of strings using an Adapter. I am used to using custom cells in iPhone,…
5 answers

Can I use a single prototype cell in multiple tableViews?

I am having two different tableviews in two different controller. But the cells, that I need to display in them, look identical. I have created a prototype cell in one tableView and subclassed UiTableViewCell. Now, if I want to use the same cell in…
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5 answers

UITableViewCell. How do I just highlight cell during touch down?

I have a custom tableViewCell. I want to indicate user touch down by highlighting. The cell selection style is UITableViewCellSelectionStyleBlue. In the parent controller I have set self.clearsSelectionOnViewWillAppear = YES. I should be good to go.…
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1 answer

JavaFX custom cell factory with custom Objects

I am trying to have a custom ListView made of custom Cell based on a list of custom objects. The custom object is class name called Message which contains a few fields for the message content, recipient, timestamp and status (read, sent etc.). After…
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1 answer

How to add different Custom Cells in one TableView with Storyboard?

i want to add 2 or more diffrent Custom cells in one Tableview, by using storyboard. i know how to add diffrent cells without storyboard. I always do this by this way: static NSString *CellIdentifier = @"Cell"; CustomCell *cell = [tableView…
Bolot NeznaJu
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7 answers

How to stop UITableView cell is overwriting the contents?

I am using a UITableView and I'm noticing that the cells in my tableview are getting progresively bolder as I scroll, it is overwriting the contents and I want to stop this but can't see where I'm going wrong. On my UITableView, for some reason when…
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5 answers

IOS Custom Table Cell does not Automatically Resize Width for Orientation Change

Have a custom table cell with it's own .XIB and .h and .m. Nothing too fancy. When the device rotates, the cell width does not change. The tables cell for index path is called, but width is not changes (say from portrait to landscape). What…
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1 answer

Shadow is not showing for UIStackView

I am trying to give shadow to a UIStackView. My stackview is in a prototypecell having some labels and buttons. Firstly, I have made a reference of stackview with name UIViewBank in a class that is binded to my custom cell: class CustChatBankCell:…
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2 answers

Swift Change the tableviewcell border color according to data

I have written a code for making the cell border color change according to inStock or outStock , if it is inStock it will be red border else it would be green, but I it is not working for me, I put it in willDisplayCell and here is my code : func…
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3 answers

How to set a custom cell as header or footer of UITableView

I am using Xib files instead of storyboard. I have created a table view with some dummy data. Its working fine, Now I have created a custom cell with some labels and textFields. How can I use it as header or footer of UITableView ?
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2 answers

swift iOS - UICollectionView images mixed up after fast scroll

I am new to swift and iOS programming, but I have been able to build a mostly stable starting interface for my application in Xcode. The CollectionView grabs an image and text from an array of dictionaries created from a csv file on my home network…
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6 answers

Swift. Change Color of Custom Tableview Cell Label when selected

I have a Custom Tableview cell in swift and in that cell a label. I want to be able to change the label when you select a cell. How can I reference my custom UITableviewCell label in didSelectRowAtIndexPath In Objective C to reference my custom cell…
3 answers

How add custom image to uitableview cell swipe to delete

Could you tell me, how to add custom image to delete button when swipe cell on UITableview?
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6 answers

UITableViewCell in ios7 now has gaps on left and right

I have a UITableView where, in ios6, my custom cell stretched completely to the left and right sides of the screen. So my square image on the left of the cell was hard up against the phone screen. However, now in ios7, there is a small gap appearing…
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