Questions tagged [crossdomain.xml]

A cross-domain policy file is an XML document that grants a web client—such as Adobe Flash Player, Adobe Reader, etc.—permission to handle data across multiple domains.

A cross-domain policy file (crossdomain.xml) is an XML document that grants a web client—such as Adobe Flash Player, Adobe Reader, etc.—permission to handle data across multiple domains.

216 questions
5 answers

Can someone post a well formed crossdomain.xml sample?

I've been reading that Adobe has made crossdomain.xml stricter in flash 9-10 and I'm wondering of someone can paste me a copy of one that they know works. Having some trouble finding a recent sample on Adobe's site.
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What is crossdomain.xml file?

Actually I wish I knew where to start from... I have embedded an third party SWF image gallery control, in an personal website of mine. The SWF is XML driven. I load the XML file on the fly as follows.... var flashvars = { xmlPath:…
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Why is Flash demanding a crossdomain.xml file when the .swf and http target are both on localhost?

I've got a small client/server test application where I have a Flex app that makes an HTTP request of a server app. The server app is a script running on my local machine, listening on port 8001. The client is a swf that I am running locally, and…
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0 answers

SSL, Custom TLD's, Crossdomain.xml and Adsense. Can they play nicely?

I have a new site I am working on that is using adsense. It is and very much a work in progress. I have some adsense ads displaying on the site already and they work -- ins the sense that they actually display ads -- but they…
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1 answer

What is the sense of crossdomain.xml and clientaccesspolicy.xml when there is e.g. PHP/cURL?

So let's say I have a site and I do not have a crossdomain.xml or clientaccesspolicy.xml on it. This means that people cannot access my site via Silverlight or Flash applications. But they can use, say cURL in PHP (or the equivalent in other…
Edward Tanguay
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Silverlight WCF + SSL security error - crossdomain.xml never requested

(I see several questions related to my problem but none of the solutions work for me as I am encountering this problem in production, not during local development, and I've already tried all of the proposed fixes.) I have a Silverlight 4 application…
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5 answers

Flex and crossdomain.xml

I was wondering are there any security concerns with adding crossdomain.xml to the root of an application server? Can it be added to any other parts of the server and are you aware of any work arounds that dont require the server to have this file…
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4 answers

crossdomain.xml prevent caching

After changing domain name where flash application being hosted I should change crossdomain.xml file. That crossdomain.xml is hosted on api-server, which is used by flash application. I see that flash uses crossdomain.xml from browser's cache. Is…
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1 answer

How can I make a Java Applet do crossdomain request with client certificate and session-cookie?

I have problem with a Java Applet that I can't get to send the proper cookie. The flow is as follows: Without the crossdomain.xml file on port 80 the Applet just refuses to do any CORS request at all but with the crossdomain-file the requests comes…
Martin K
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When it says put crossdomain.xml in the root where would that be on IIS?

Would it be wwwroot, C, the root virtual directory where the assets are hosted, or the same folder that the assets are in? Meaning if I have a virtual directory 'virdir' with a sub directory 'swf', which is really like C:\somedir\assets\swf\, where…
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1 answer

Java and crossdomain.xml

Does anyone have any experience with Java pulling data from another domain? Assuming my client has a minimum of 1.6.0_10, how likely is it for it to work. I've seen some posts saying it works, then others saying it doesn't, and still others saying…
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Flex - Security Sandbox violation - ERROR#2048

So if i put -http://xxx.xx.xx.x/website/website.html and try to use an HTTPService with in the swf to contact -https://yyy.yy.yy.y/resources/script, I get the sandbox error. If I put -https://yyy.yy.yy.y/crossdomain.xml in the browser and access…
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3 answers

crossdomain.xml whats the point?

I'm having difficulty in figuring out why crossdomain.xml is a useful feature. It seems back to front to me. Why restrict flash (by default) from reading from publicly available services? What's the point to prevent DDOS attacks from people…
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2 answers

Flash seems to be caching crossdomain.xml file

I have updated the crossdomain.xml security settings for my site - but it seems that the older version is being cached in both IE and Chrome. I've checked the headers sent by the server and it's not sending any cache control headers that would be…
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1 answer

Webspell CMS Movie Player bug

I installed the Webspell template 4.2.3 on my website: I put in a movie, you can go on movies and play it by yourself. So the problem is that when I want to show it on the main page but on the bottom right on the site you…
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