Questions tagged [cross-language]

In programming, "cross-language" or "multi-language" refers to features that operate across multiple programming languages.

In programming, "cross-language" or "multi-language" refers to features that operate across multiple programming languages.

Cross-language features include type systems, data formats, storage layouts, etc. which are common across multiple languages. They help applications or services written in different languages to inter-operate and exchange information.

112 questions
1 answer

Importing library in Python called by PHP

I'm trying to call a Python script from a PHP file, but it fails when I have to load a local library. My PHP is able to call my python if it doesn't load local libraries, and my python script works when launched manually. Here are minimal (non)…
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0 answers

How can I link a static library developed in iOS to an UWP .NET Project

I have a .a static library developed in Objective-C and built for iOS. Let's call it Encoders.a. I have been able to import such library as a project into Visual Studio 2017 using the vsimporter tool of the iOS Bridge…
Cristiano Ghersi
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1 answer

Echo local ASP.NET url FROM PHP

I have a php wordpress site that's running on IIS. I need to include, as part of that file, the response from a local ASP.NET page. PHP is reallly not my strongest language though. The code I have is:
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1 answer

Python in HTML Code

I have a Python file, called, which contains this code: def double(x): return x * 2 I also have this HTML code: Is there a way…
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2 answers

How to import a C function into C++ project that has not been declared in a C header?

I'm trying to include some functions written in C into a C++ project. I've come quite far following these instructions. Unfortunately not all of the C functions I require to call are declared in a c header file. Some are just static functions…
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1 answer

Run MATLAB from Java every T seconds

I have a simulation in Java in which I need to call a MATLAB optimizer every 2 minutes (simulation time) and read the data back into the Java program. I know there are answers for running MATLAB scripts, but is there any way to run a single MATLAB…
Yousef Hindy
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1 answer

Writing a Perl hash to disk to be read by Python

How can I write a Perl hash to file, in such a way that it can be read from Python? For example: #!/usr/bin/perl my %h = ( foo => 'bar', baz => ['a', 'b', 'c'], raz => { ABC => 123, XYZ => [4, 5, 6], …
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1 answer

Embed Python in C: unable to read python return integer value

I am trying to embed python in my C code. So the objective is that I want to run a python code inside C program, and when the python code finish running, it should return a integer value back to my C program. In my python code "", I specify…
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1 answer

Wrappers for C API in programming languages

I came across a feature in some programming languages to call methods in other programming languages. Its called the Foreign Function Interface. For example, I would be able to call a C Language function inside a Python program. Or I could I write a…
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3 answers

Calling a function in another lagnauge

Im writing a program in php which does almost everything it needs to do, but at one point i need to use a function that is written in python using the mechanize library, both these scripts will be hosted on the same server. My initial thoughts are…
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1 answer

Sitecore cross-culture linking

If I have an item in en-US and I want to link to the same item in zh-CN culture from the en-US version in the rich text editor, how can I accomplish that? Also, how will the context language/culture be affected? Thanks
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2 answers

Haxe to C++ conversion: Generate C++ source?

I'm very new to Haxe, and specifically want to use it to produce C++ code from Haxe (actually the flow would be AS3->Haxe, then Haxe->C++). My understanding is that Haxe compiles Haxe directly to a (C++) executable. But does it explicitly output the…
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1 answer

C# cannot see C++ constructor that takes arguments

I have a class created in C#, and I want to reference a C++ class that was created. When I try to create an instance of the C++ class in C#, it can see the default constructor, but it can't see the constructor with arguments. C++ cppClass…
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1 answer

Connect PHP Client to Java backend

I need to connect PHP client code to JAVA backend, where the actions are : 1. http request will be sent from PHP client. 2. It will interact with JAVA code on Model and will store data in Nosql using JAVA backend I read about this php-java…
Nishu Tayal
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1 answer

How to cast a python list into a pointer of type void in C

I'm trying to learn how to use ctypes in Python and I came across this example in the documentation class Bar(Structure): _fields_ = [("count", c_int), ("values", POINTER(c_void_p))] bar = Bar() bar.values = (c_void_p * 3)(1, 2, 3) bar.count =…