Questions tagged [cross-language]

In programming, "cross-language" or "multi-language" refers to features that operate across multiple programming languages.

In programming, "cross-language" or "multi-language" refers to features that operate across multiple programming languages.

Cross-language features include type systems, data formats, storage layouts, etc. which are common across multiple languages. They help applications or services written in different languages to inter-operate and exchange information.

112 questions
6 answers

How to compare different language String values in JAVA?

In my web application I am using two different Languages namely English and Arabic. I have a search box in my web application in which if we search by name or part of the name then it will retrieve the values from DB by comparing the "Hometown" of…
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2 answers

Unity Calling C# function from UnityScript file

I'm trying to run a function in C# from UnityScript. My UnityScript file has: GetComponent("C#File").C#FunctionName(); But in the editor it's telling me that the function isn't a member of UnityEngine.Component.
2 answers

Protobuf binary<->JSON serialization option / alternatives?

I've been investigating about protobuf/gRPC. I really like the idea of being able to use a common *proto file as IDL to centralize the definition of structs and services, as well as all the existing tooling around it to create common code for…
1 answer

Interacting with C# applications via PHP

Recently I have been thinking combining C# applications with a website, so that we can run multiple threads in C# and complete more tasks in the time it would take PHP would to do 1. Most of us know that PHP Runs on a single thread and therefor we…
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C#, C++ project mix: Could not load file or assembly

I have Visual Studio 2010 solution of 2 projects: c# and c++ c++ project using .net framework libraries and exposes class that is referenced from c# project. Everything compiles fine and c# project intellisence helps me with methods exposed from…
Andrew Florko
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1 answer

IPython (Jupyter) cell magics and cross-language interaction

In a normal ipython notebook or repl session, I can refer to previously-run cells using the _# notation. However, this is not possible when using cell magics such as %%perl or %%bash because these cells do not have entries in _oh. Nor can I find a…
0 answers

Access violation using PyRun_SimpleFileEx in loop

I try to use a Python script in my C++ project in Visual Studio 2013. If I use the script one time, it works fine. But when I try to loop on it, I got this error message : Access violation writing location 0x0000000000000002 And here is my code…
Ed Nio
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2 answers

How to create an enum for both Swift and ObjC with standard naming?

I am writing an OS X/iOS framework in Objective-C, and I would like for the framework to be useful for developers using either Objective-C or Swift. In normal Objective-C enums are defined like this (this example is taken directly from Apple's own…
1 answer

How to create a wrapper that would work for multiple languages at the same time?

I have a simple C API (N simple functions). I want to wrap it into C#, Java and Python at the same time. How to call SWIG to create wrapper for multiple languages at the same time? Something like this swig.exe -c++ -csharp -java -namespace Bla…
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1 answer

Cross-language web workers?

Is this possible, from say : app.js : ... var w = new Worker("data:application/dart;charset=US-ASCII," + dart_code ); // will this break or continue? Does anyone who uses Dartium (the Chromium + Dart VM browser) do this?
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1 answer

Is there are a convention for the order of arguments in a constructor, especially for subclasses?

This might seem like a weird question to ask, but is there a convention on how to order arguments in a constructor, and especially where to add arguments the constructor "gains" in subclasses? It seems to me there should be one, after I found myself…
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3 answers

Flex -- C++ connection?

How do I connect a Flex Application( Internet Site ) and C++ togehter ? a minimalistic example from what i mean (User Story): Frank goes to there are 2 textboxes and 1 Button( Label = add two numbers) . He inserts 2 in the first…
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1 answer

WPF equivalent to Flex states

Flex has a very elegant concept of states which let you define what components should be displayed and what should they look like based on the parent component "state". For example, you could define some Login window states as…
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3 answers

XML Based Validation Frameworks Cross Language

I'm about to embark on a new project within which we require the ability to re-use validations based on (preferably XML) on both the client and server. We would setup a service to provide the XML validation configuration data to the client side. The…
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0 answers

Error reporting patterns for cross language plugin architecture

I am designing the interface of a plugin system for our product. Current plugins will be written in C#, but I envisage creating at least C/C++ wrappers in the future. I am in a quandary how to handle errors given the potential language…
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