Questions tagged [credential-providers]

The Credential Provider model, used by Windows Vista above, has replaced the older GINA model for implementing user authentication, allowing the user logon to be customized and integrated with the best authentication methods for the given tasks.

199 questions
1 answer

Credential Provider Vista+ Smart Card removal event

I'm a newbie in writing credential provider, so could someone help me to find out how to catch the Smart Card Removal event on windows vista+, programming language C++. I need to lock machine on that event.
Yermek Makulbek
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CPFT_SMALL_TEXT value cant modified after initialize in Windows 7 Credential Provider DLL?

i am modifying credential provider dll in windows 7. In that dll, i try to add a Small text field and set a value. it works fine using the below code. hr = SHStrDupA("Bala", &_rgFieldStrings[SFI_I_WORK_IN_STATIC]); after that i want to change the…
Sanju Monu
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WinBioDeleteTemplate function Returns 80098002?

i am programming in c# to develop WBF FMA(Windows Biometric Framework Fingerprint management application). i am using WinBioDeleteTemplate() function to delete a works fine most times. But sometimes it returns 80098002 returncode. After…
Sanju Monu
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winbio.h header file functions are disabled?

i am using VS 2010 in windows 7 express edition. i also tried to get a winbiocapturesample function from this headerfile.but i have a problem to use winbio.h functions.this header placed in microsoft sdk v7.0a. i will include that header file into…
Sanju Monu
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LogonUI.exe process doesn't terminate after switching user

I am developing a Credential Provider (CP) that shows a dialog at logon or unlock screen of Windows Vista/7. That dialog terminates whenever the destructor of my Credential Provider is invoked. For basic scenarios like unlock or logon, that dialog…
Tran Thien An
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1 answer

Windows 7 Credential Provider or Log in solution

I'm a new user to stackoverflow, so thank you in advance for your help! Here is my scenerio: Windows 7 Enterprise (x64) Multiple users logging in and out Need to logoff previous user on new user login In our current Windows XP environment we have…
2 answers

Call a com object using a credential provider

I want to create an application to login to windows which would make use of a QR code, graphical password and Kinect motion password for my school project. I've learnt that I would need to make use of credential providers. This is my first time…
2 answers

kernel mode debugging on visual studio 2012

i have a problem with remote debugging in visual studio 2012 My goal is to test credential provider on windows 7 running in vmware player. I have installed it, added register changes, it works fine. I have read this…
Jakub C
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Multiple tiles appearing at logon screen when using custom credential provider

I have used Microsoft's Credential Provider samples to put together a wrapper for the default Windows 7 logon screen. All appears to be running well in terms of the new CP, but I am getting duplicate tiles appearing on my logon screen, namely the…
Brett Rigby
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CredentialProvider does not accept passwords with special (German) letters

I wrote a CredentialProvider that allows to log in to Windows. But today I found out this strange error that GetSerialization() seems not to accept passwords which contain the German 'umlaut' letters like 'ä' or 'ü'. Does anyone know the…
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2 answers

Customizing Window Vista Sample Existing Wrap Credential Provider

I am wrapping the password credential provider and adding an extra password field. I have it set up so I can do my own password validation logic and work with the extra field.I have created the field already but i am unable to understand where to…
1 answer

Windows Credential Provider - destroyed before receiving credentials

I'm writing a Windows credential provider and I'm relly struggling due to the lack of documentation on how the thing should work. I started from the Windows SDK Example (security/SampleCredentialProvider) and modified it in order to receive the…
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Credential Manager DLL is causing login to hang when forcing a password change

I've created a Credential Manager DLL to take advantage of the NPLogonNotify event. I'm testing this on a fully patched instance of Windows 7 Ultimate. When the user logs in my implementation of NPLogonNotify spawns a couple processes using…
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Win Api Custom credential provider : Dialog box resizing after windows login

I have created my custom credential provider to login to windows with smart card. When I insert the smartcard the dialog box for entering pin appears as appropriate size but once I am logged in to the system, every time I lock and unlock the system,…
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how to inject custom credential provider without restarting the machine

I want to inject my custom credential provider without restarting the machine I have added entry to registry @HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Authentication\Credential Providers But i need to restart the machine so…
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