Questions tagged [correspondence-analysis]

35 questions
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Using Prince library for MCA and FAMD in python

How to perform Factor Analysis of Mixed Data (FAMD) on the train and test datasets? Generally, to apply sklearn PCA the following code is…
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How to fix: "Error in CA(dt, graph = FALSE) : The following variables are not quantitative Var1"

I'm trying to use correspondence analysis in R. It seems like the first argument of function "CA" in FactoMineR must be a contingency table. "dt" is a contingency table, but it returns that the variables are not quantitative. One of the levels of…
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FactoExtra is only extracting the first 5 dimensions

I'm trying to use the get_mca_ind() function from FactoExtra to extract individual contributions to each dimension in an MCA (from FactoMiner package) so that I can use it in further analysis. Instead of getting info on all of the dimensions so I…
K Boyd
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Is there an R function for plotting the 3rd dimension of a correspondence analysis using FactoMineR (or any other package)?

I am performing a correspondence analysis on categorical, frequency data pulled from archaeological site reports. I chose CA because, as I understand, it can handle presence/absence, which is often the nature of archaeological data. I used the…
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Remove or hide Zeroline on R ggplot2/factoextra plots

I am using this factoextra package in R to do Correspondent Analysis. When I print out the result plot, I can't find the option to hide the x and y zeroline. I know that the theme setting is based on ggplot 2. Can anyone help me to figure out how…
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Can't run correspondence analysis on two-way contingency table using FactoMineR

It does not appear to work on this table, named mytable: 0 1 2 3 4 5 7 Click_No 242854 91661 102 21 65 51 291 Click_Yes 48274 20785 14 2 19 4 146 However, it…
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Filtering plotted elements in MJCA by their name

I am trying to perform a MJCA on the WG93 dataset, and I would like to see how education level varies with having a strong opinion. The issue is that I do not know how to filter unnecessary elements from the mjca object. That is, given the level…
Epsilon Away
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Detrended Canonical Correspondence Analysis in R (?)

Is it possible to perform a Detrended Canonical Correspondence Analysis in R? Im looking to analyse ecological (pollen) data to investigate beta diversity through time. As far as I can tell I have to perform these analyses in CANOCO, which I want to…
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Performing HCPC on the columns (i.e. variables) instead of the rows (i.e. individuals) after (M)CA

I would like to perform a HCPC on the columns of my dataset, after performing a CA. For some reason I also have to specify at the start, that all of my columns are of type 'factor', just to loop over them afterwards again and convert them to…
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Simple correspondence analysis in Python

How can I run simple correspondence analysis (CA) in Python? In the sklearn library, there only appears to be multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) and canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) options. However, my data is not categorical and does…
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Overlay two differently formatted qplots in ggplot2

I have two scatterplots, based on different but related data, created using qplot() from ggplot2. (Learning ggplot hasn't been a priority because qplot has been sufficient for my needs up to now). What I want to do is superimpose/overlay the two…
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Simple Correspondence Analysis in R - Not all objects appear in plot?

I feel like this may be a dumb question but I have spent a long time looking for an answer and can't seem to find one. It's hard even to know what to search for so if this is answered somewhere else that you know of, a link is all I need. However.…
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Is there any way to combine fviz_ca_biplot with any other plot?

I am looking to combine result of fviz_ca_biplot() in R with a symbols plot as the end goal is to create a brand map with similar values under same vicinity, is there any way to do that? I am using this code- fviz_ca_biplot(, repel =…
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Contingency Table for Correspondence Analysis in R: "length of 'dimnames' [2] not equal to array extent"

I have a very specific question regarding contingency tables for Correspondence Analysis in R. After the last command, I receive the following error: "Error in dimnames(res) <- list(attributes(tab)$row.names, listModa) : length of 'dimnames' [2] not…
0 answers

Error in sum(N) : invalid 'type' (character) of argument using ca package

Code reads as follows: BeerFreqTable <- read.csv(file = "~/OneDrive - The University of Nottingham/R/Paper 1/CA/BeerFreqTable2.csv", header = TRUE) View(BeerFreqTable) Please see image to view table library(ca) ca.analysis <-…
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